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#1  Edited By gunswordfist
@thecleric said:
" @Meowayne said: 

Space marines (especially bald ones), post-apocalyptic wastelands, huge fantasy dudes with gigantic weapons & co.

We've been balding badasses with deep voices shooting aliens in brought-down buildings for almost a decade now. It was fun, but it seriously needs to stop.
Worst offenders: Borderlands, Demon's Souls
Shining ExamplesHeavy Rain, The Last Guardian
Here's a crazy thought: Let's explore as many different (maybe even true-to-life) people and worlds in video games as we can.  
Wow, there's only two oversized weapons in Demon's Souls, and no one in that game is a space marine. I like how you use two games that aren't even out as an example. "

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#2  Edited By gunswordfist
@Metal_Gear_Sunny said:
"I don't think we'll see zombies take a break anytime soon. "

We better fucking not. Zombies will always be great and just because we got like 5 good zombie games this gen doesn't mean they should stop.
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#3  Edited By gunswordfist

You did not just say zombies and just no. 
Anyway, I didn't know about SCC exclusive preorder mode. That's just fucking stupid. They'll enjoy losing customers that would have brought the game thanks to the 3rd mode. 
2nd Anyway: 
QTEs: Why the fuck would I want cutscene gameplay? 
Random motion sensoring: Why the fuck would I want to open a door by moving around my PS3 controller? 
Games shorter than 15 hours: Fuck that! 
Pointless secondary character/gameplay: Fuck you weakling from Shadow Of Rome/Bruce Banner! FUCK YOU!!!!!! 
Story DLC: Fuck paying for part of a story now and paying for the other fucking part later. 
Tecmo/Team Ninja: FUCK YOU!!!! 
PS3 having no BC: What in the fuck?! 
Consoles not including controller that has a removable wire: Fuck paying for all these fucking batteries!
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#4  Edited By gunswordfist
@Jeust said:
  • Muramasa
  • Resident Evil 0
  • Resident Evil Remake
  • Heavenly Sword
  • Uncharted 2
 For me it isn't worth it to buy another console, since there are so little games i want to play on either one of them. They are far out weighted by their price. "

I want to ge all those games too. The lit I have for games I want on consoles I don't own from previous gens is VERY long.
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#5  Edited By gunswordfist
@cstrang said:
"If it works like they say it does, awesome.  I'm all for it.  Being able to run any game on my computer, regardless of graphical capabilities of said computer (if I'm understand thing this correctly).  It sounds cool.  Perhaps is could lead to a decrease in video game prices.  Although, there still is the issue of having physical media.  I mean... I know, as a consumer, I like to have the disk (and usually the original case) somewhere in my collection.  Maybe I'm just getting old... "

No, you're not. I'd prefer to have physical copies of games too. I'd just use this service for a few PC games.
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#6  Edited By gunswordfist
@Hamst3r said:
"@MurderByDeath said:

" @Twilight said:

" OnLive? Oh right.... I almost forgot that even existed.  Like Michael Pachter said. OnLive is targeted for a very small audience, which is the hardcore gamer, who doesn't own a console or a highend PC.  Either way I'll be checking out that video. Thanks for posting. "

By which you must mean " the hardcore gamer who doesn't own a console or a high-end PC, but does own a ridiculously fast internet connection".  That's less than a very small audience - it's a very, very, very, very small audience.  It is as near to nothing as makes no odds. "
I don't think that's actually who'll be buying OnLive. I'm guessing a lot of people will use OnLive as a supplemental gaming platform to their current systems or switch from console or PC to OnLive. Some people will get it because it costs less. Some people will get it because they haven't upgraded their PC in 10 years and this is their only chance to play some PC exclusives that'll run on Onlive. Some people will utilize it as a sort of GameFly for PC games, being able to rent stuff and play through it without having to pay full price for it. Some might even get OnLive because they're a frequent traveler and it's more portable than lugging around a console or PC. Some people will be getting it as their first gaming system, as new gamers are made every day. There are lots of reasons for someone to try it out. "

Yeah, I'd want to get it to play games like Crysis if this service actually works.
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#7  Edited By gunswordfist
@guiseppe said:
""Has anybody ever played a first person shooter?" He gets no responses. Now what the hell kind of a university has a bunch of people that has never played a first person shooter? And more importantly, why on earth are they showing it off there?   Other than that, very interesting stuff :). "
What losers.
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#8  Edited By gunswordfist
@Atlas said:
"Muramasa, The Last Guardian and Heavy Rain are all games that I'd love to be able to play on my 360. May end up getting a PS3 in 2010 anyway, though. "
Oh yeah, those 3 games. Namely Muramasa and The Last Guardian.
No More Heroes 2- 
Tatsunoko Vs. Capcom- (even though this game won't have the best, Ken Masters) 
God Of War III-  
The next Ratchet & Clank- (That time one already came out? IDK) 
Yakuza 3/Keisen (sp?)-
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#9  Edited By gunswordfist
@MrJared said:
"Hey all. At NorCal Regionals a month or so ago, my friend Pavo (ILLiterate, NorCal Boxer player) and I money matched to see who was the best Jackie Chan in Fists of Fire player in the region. I won and for Christmas, he gave me my reward. 
    Toooooo good! " got a trophy from my favorite actor of all time? I'm jealous! And congratulations!
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#10  Edited By gunswordfist

I want to learn more about this game and when it'll be released.