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Deadly Premonition, and why people love it.

If you look at Deadly premonition from an objective view you will quickly dismiss it as absolute garbage, the visuals are N64 era quality. The soundtrack is out of its fucking mind, the controls are copied from a 90s resident evil game. But still people enjoy this game, why is it?

Yes you can quickly dismiss this as "haha its so bad it's good" but I don't think that's it. A lot of games have been hilariously bad in the past but has not gotten the weird recognition that Deadly Premonition has gotten. 

No I think people look at Deadly Premonition as a breath of fresh air, a game that is not about realism, not about sky high budgets and ridiculous production values. I mean look at movies, I would say the best movies are from independent creators with a small budget. And Deadly Premonition also throwback to a simpler time when games were not all about super serious space marines killing aliens. A time when blue hedgehogs with red sneakers that ran ridiculously fast made sense, a time when you could release a game about a Swedish chef riding a bull shooting crocodiles out his blond mustache.

Yes this is a throwback to a time when games were made by like 10 people at most, and you had to get creative and not throw money at stupid celebrity voice actors, and hire a legion of animators and 3d artist to render the character walking across the road. And its obvious that Deadly Premonition doesn't care about any of that stuff, (to be fair they couldn't word on the street is that they made this game with a 10 dollar budget.)

And I for one hope that more games like this will be made in the future, to try and combat the "hollywoodization" (coining that phrase) that is going on in the video game industry at the moment, and maybe we can avoid having our games become soul less entertainment packages devoid of any personality, except the regular hollywood personality mainstays, like the brown haired quick witted hero, and the tough lady. Because that is safe, marketable and will sell the most. Which don't get me wrong I can understand I am not some fat Internet critic which has this special snowflake syndrome expecting everything to be catered to just me and me specifically no matter how unique my tastes may be. But sometimes if you want to make something special you have to be completely original, nobody remembers the guy who went with the stream, history only remembers the guy who went against it.