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My Game Systems I have owned/own.

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  • Still have this console to this day. Between this and the other classic consoles, I am now stuck forever with the need for a CRT television. And I wouldn't have it any other way.

  • The powerhouse of my current gaming curriculum. Not that I side with it specifically, but that I am addicted to achievements. It's sad, it's true, but I just keep on going.

  • While it may not get the play that my 360 does, this is by far the best console I have ever seen. Not only is it a great games machine, but it's also a great media device. And strangely enough... Home is even starting to grow on me. I know... I know.

  • The definition of ahead of it's time.

  • Can you believe that I actually didn't even buy this until after the Wii had launched? And I did it for Twilight Princess only, and didn't have as much fun with that game as I did with Wind Waker. That's what I get.

  • It was loud. It was broken (Dirty Disc Error anyone?) and it was the amalgam of some guy at Microsoft walking into a Best Buy and picking up as many computer parts as they could cram into two shoe boxes, and declaring "Aha," but damn if it wasn't a surprise at how many good games were on that black box. Still keep it out to this day, even with XBL support a distant memory.

  • Remember laughing when you saw this get announced? Yeah. Me too. How many do you own? Yeah. Me too.

    Now who's laughing?

  • Somewhere, Nintendo must have a "I told you so" jar filled to the brim with the money that we, the lowly consumer, parlays to that fund.

    But say what you will, it may not have delivered the game changing experiences that they promised, but the Wii did help solidify, and possibly extend gaming's grasp on the entertainment dollar.