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This seems familiar...

So hey, I posted this blog in the interim between the old site and the new site's launch, the dumbass that I am. Thankfully, I realized this before the new site went live, so I was able to save the content to a notepad file. The following is the original blog.


I'd like to take a moment just sit right there, I'll tell you how I spent a debatable amount of money chasing classic Resident Evil games. Okay, first off, I'd like to apologize for that bad Fresh Prince reference, I literally had no idea how to lead in to this blog. Secondly, MAN, Resident Evil's Gamecube remake is an amazing piece of work.

Still the best Barry
Still the best Barry

Recently, I decided that the best thing for me to do with my money was to spend a bunch of it on every single classic RE game available for the Gamecube. In fact, it was the only reason I bought the Gamecube in question. I'm so glad I made this decision. REmake is a game I started several times back in the day, but never bothered to finish. So far, I've beaten it as Chris and got the best ending, and I'm currently on a playthrough as Jill. I literally only have one problem with this game: Barry's beard is nowhere near as awesome as it was in the original. Hell, the actor they used in the FMV intro had a better beard than this one!


But anyway, the good stuff is here in spades, between the all-new puzzles, new areas to explore, and changes in the plot. Richard saving your ass in both scenarios is great, especially how it comes up in Jill's story ("Payback time!"). And of course, he gets eaten in both scenarios, and by two completely different monsters, at that. Chris still has no idea how to work with chemicals, and every woman in S.T.A.R.S. still knows how to play the piano. Barry, regardless of beard excellence is still a bit of a doof. Chris still has two less inventory blocks than Jill, for some reason...oh, and Wesker is still a total slimeball, but telegraphed a lot more bluntly this time out. I love this game, and I can see why a lot of people still consider this among the best in the series. Once I finish it, I'm moving on to RE0 and 3, and 2, once I can track down a copy of it.

Simple. Sleek.
Simple. Sleek.

So now that the Resident Evil talk is out of the way, let's talk a little bit about PC building. I'm looking to start collecting parts around my birthday next month, to compile a crazy gaming rig. I'm going with a fairly normal case, one of those Plain-Jane Antec steel mid-towers. Quad-core Sandy Bridge processor, ASUS somethin-er-other motherboard, my current GT 430 card and eight gigs of G-Skill RAM, for good measure. You might be asking why the meager graphics card, well I've only got so much money right now. There's a card I'm looking at that's over 200 dollars, but it'll have to wait.

Kinda like this, but not quite as pretty
Kinda like this, but not quite as pretty

Sleeping Dogs! After watching Vinny goofing around during the quick looks of this game, I just knew I had to get it. And hey! It was ten dollars on Steam recently, so I picked it up. Holy shit, this game is expertly optimized. Now my current computer has a dual core Intel processor, the aforementioned graphics card, and 4 gigs of RAM. Let's take a look at the difference between this and Saints Row: The Third, shall we? Saints Row, while a moderately fun game, freezes up like a motherfucker on my machine, and doesn't really look all that great while doing it. Sleeping Dogs, on the other hand, looks beautiful under comparable settings (medium), and has a consistent 30+fps and has not ONCE crashed or frozen up on me. It's crazy. In fact, most modern games have the issue of freezing on my machine, and hey, I'm not gonna blame them. My computer is a piece of shit. But the fact that Sleeping Dogs runs as well as it does on my rig is a testament to how well it was optimized, if you ask me.

So that's about it for now, I guess if I'm gonna pose a question it would be...what is your favorite pre-Code Veronica Resident Evil game? The REmake and Zero count in my book, as long as the game takes place chronologically prior to CV, it's fair game.