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My new kitten and the D'AWWW factor.

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So anyway, my first cat passed away about a month and a half ago. I was dead set on never getting another cat. Then the emptiness sank in. So, after asking around, we found this little guy. His name is Simon Julius <my last name>. He's adorable. Do not try to deny this. So, what do you guys think? AIN'T HE CUTE?!

Bad couple of days, and apologies.

So I'm pretty sure some of you have noticed that I've been fairly on edge and making unprovoked mean remarks or retaliations on the forums lately. I'd like to take this opportunity to explain a little bit, and hopefully reach some of the people I've lashed out at. 
So basically, last week I made some plans with this girl I know. We were going to go to lunch. Kind of a date, but not expressly spoken as such. Anyway, we were set up to go out on Tuesday, at around 2:30-3:00 pm. It gets close to 3 o'clock, she's not here. So I went outside to the end of my driveway, just in case she didn't know which house mine was (my driveway is long, and my house is inlet from the street very far back). A half hour goes by, still no sign of her. 
So, I went back inside to see if maybe she had tried to contact me. she didn't, but as I was doing my normal browsing, I went to Facebook and right up front on my homepage, she had posted a status saying that she was heading out for a "fun day with her friends". So I asked her what happened to our plans. She deleted that message, and had not contacted me as of this afternoon. And to top all of that off, apparently she's kinda/maybe/definitely dating some other asshole who lives in PA (she and I are from New York and live in the same town).  
So having said all of this, I just kinda hope that some of you will understand my actions lately. I've been super pissed about the whole thing, and for some reason when things like this happen I take it out in several ways, one of them on forums. Anyway, I know I'm more than likely to get a few cool story bro's, and a lot of people saying "Who the fuck is this guy, and why is he apologizing?". But hey, those who know what I'm on about will hopefully get the message. 
TL; DR: I got royally fucked over, took out my anger on the forums, and now I'm saying sorry for that.


Skate 3 Demo Impressions

I've been a fan of the Skate series since its inception, and have played a hell of a lot of these games ever since. The new demo for Skate 3 that was released today is great, and I'll tell you why.

  • They have fixed the off-board controls immensely. You can turn on a dime, and for the most part the animations are nice and fluid. Another good thing that they did is instead of coming to a full stop if you didn't completely fall over, your skater does a tuck and roll on flat ground, in a situation such as messing up a grind at high speed.  Also, he/she will BOOK IT when you hold down the A button to sprint.
  • The graphics are beautiful, and full of stark white and vibrant green colors. There are virtually no jaggy edges on display in the demo, which is nice. They also seem to have fixed the frame rate, though I remain slightly skeptical until I see the full breadth of Port Carverton in action.
  • They give you a decent bit of the University locale to skate around in, as well as Coach Frank's training grounds, which are plastered with Stereo logos. The logos don't really distract from the golf course-esque scenery on display in this area, and everything looks crisp and clean.
  • The darkslides take some getting used to, and I've yet to figure out exactly how to pull off a casper, but they are present and explained slightly, along with the underflip mechanic, which is quite hard. Basically, you're doing a normal kickflip flick of the stick, but in the same motion, you are required to flick it down in the opposite direction that it was flicked up. Like I said, the new moves take some getting used to.
  • The soundtrack is excellent, and the original scores from Del and Mark Mothersbaugh are fantastic. Very good ambient music to skate to.
Overall, this demo has convinced me that my purchasing Skate 3 will be a good decision, and I can't wait to play the full game in May.

Retro PC Revival (and now I sound like an idiot :D)


"I've got a fever. And the only old PC games."

So lately, I've been trying to play through my backlog of might-as-well-be-ancient PC games. I've accumulated quite a collection between retail, Steam, and GoG. Here is a list of the games I am currently playing and will be playing in the coming weeks;



Freespace 2

No On Lives Forever

No On Lives Forever 2

Gabriel Knight

Red Faction

Beyond Good and Evil



Just Got Netflix, Xbox Instant Streaming.

It's really good, so far. I was able to watch the majority of the first season of The Whitest Kids U Know, and I'm currently watching a Henry Rollins special. One major plus is that they have the entire Monty Python's Flying Circus on instant streaming, which I'm sure is a major plus for many of you, as well. I would recommend it to anyone reading this.


Which review would be best?

I'm thinking about writing a review here on Giantbomb, and I've narrowed my choices down to three games: Grand Theft Auto IV, Doom 3, or Elder Scrolls IV. I'd like you folks on OT to help me decide. So please, leave a comment on which one I should do.
EDIT: Due to overwhelming demand, I will write a review for Doom 3. Look for it sometime within the month. Unless, of course I procrastinate.
And don't expect anything spectacular, but definitely readable.

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