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Mostly silent paying member since 2015. Follower since 2010ish

Had been considering staying on Premium after the last year went surprisingly well.

Haha, nope.

Dan, Jan, Jeff jump ship while you can

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#2  Edited By Frybird

Another Link that might help:

It's partially a comparison article for the consoles, but it also gets a bit in depth in what the PC settings mean and have a pedantic screenshot comparison between the different quality pre sets (even low looks good methinks). As it has been said, take advantage of a potential Steam refund and experiment for a bit (play until the first "gore nest" [you'll know it when you see it] for a slight stress test).

Also, you might want to upgrade your graphics driver, NVIDIA has released one shortly after Doom released and i felt like it did ease some slowdowns away for me.

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@feigr said:

Also the act of playing games poorly can grate on me sometime. I fully understand that it's part of the act to deliberately look away from the screen when the game tells them what to do and then play the game poorly for comedic effect, but in my opinion the only person on the staff who gets away with doing this and still be funny is Vinny.

I don't think the majority of these instances is done "for comedic effect"...(actually the sheer lack of knowledge or attention paid to a game can be quite staggering although to be fair, the guys obviously play a ton of games every day and keep up with a lot of stuff so getting stuff wrong is acceptable but still i'd wish games get some more research prior to QLs......and Dan really, really should be embarrassed for not knowing the meaning of Ludonarrative Dissonance given that he despite everything is still a game industry journalist : P)

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@htr10 said:
@frybird said:

@htr10 said:

You don't want to pay $50 a year for premium content on an internet site that you don't like as much as you used to like. That's cool. If you expressed your feelings about the site and why you are cancelling to GB staff, then that's the right thing to do so they know why their subscriptions go up or down when they do. You are not required to make a big thread about it to defend your decision to the public. If you're not actually leaving the site and just cancelling your membership, there's a pretty good chance at some time between now and the end of the world, you may want to drop a few bucks again to have access to premium content.

Uhm, you know, this is a discussion forum, and an Off-Topic subforum none the less, and it's not like the Title of the Thread does not state clearly what it is about...

Why is the OP supposed to shut up about his issues with the site if he feels like he wants to express them publically?

No, he is not required to defend his decision, but he can, and if you don't engage in his arguments but rather why he writes them in the first place, i feel like you are more wrong at this place than he is.

Your response to me is a little dramatic although I do appreciate you telling me to 'shut up' because your interpretation of my comment is me telling the OP to 'shut up'. Fun irony. My comment was not meant to suggest that the OP should not be posting his opinions. He seems like he has been put on the defensive in that he is still posting 5 paragraph explanations of why he is cancelling his subscription over 100 posts into this thread. The tone of his most recent post seems very defensive to me. He doesn't need to defend himself but is more than welcome to discuss his feelings by everyone on this website, myself included.

I see, i did actually interpret what you said like you stated. My bad.

That said, while its a bit of lost effort to keep arguing the point when one's mind is made up, i certainly understand the desire to elaborate upon what he wrote when a some people here telling him that he's straight up wrong or ignore most of what he said and make it all about "the peeing thing" (which certainly is a weird point to bring up, but then again is especially Dan's bladder capacity awkwardly well known and there are more than one videos where he or others clearly state he should've gone to the bathroom before recording, so its not entirely arbitrary methinks)

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That's funny, I don't seem to have been commented on anything trolls93 said. Nor, did I bring up other sites or even business attire.

Well, it seemed like you were responding to the OP as well as it seemed obvious implications when you wrote:

Wearing.long pants or button down shorts would not make them more or less intelligent. Shaving/Trimming facial hair every day does not make their perceptions of the game industry more or less acute. Putting up regurgitated news to add content, or pity scripted videos 'in-character' does not trump the seemingly off the cuff works they do produce.

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@frybird: idk man, it's a little weird. It's like if you decided not to eat at a place anymore and instead of just not going there anymore you stood on a table and listed all the things you didn't like about it.

There are avenues to report your complaints about the site properly.

I'd rather compare it with writing on Yelp why you don't want to eat at a place anymore rather than dropping a semi-anonymus letter to the owner.

If he cares, he should be free to voice his concerns to whoever listens just as you are free to not listen to them.

Especially since he does not have to pay a subscription fee to be here.

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Isn't a seemingly lack of polish, a type of polish itself? Its all about what you think should be polished.

I have no idea of it this is intended, but I tend to believe (even if just in my own mind) that Giant Bomb (Jeff & Everyone) doesn't like "Pomp" for the sake of just looking good. They do not necessarily respect people or content who put 'ceremonial display' above competence....or humor. The staff of GB need no brass bands, nor people in full dress marching like tin soldiers, nor put value in flash over substance.

Wearing.long pants or button down shorts would not make them more or less intelligent. Shaving/Trimming facial hair every day does not make their perceptions of the game industry more or less acute. Putting up regurgitated news to add content, or pity scripted videos 'in-character' does not trump the seemingly off the cuff works they do produce.

The best mechanic is not always the guy with the shiniest car, it often the guy with the most grease under his nails.

If you read trolls OP (with the exception of maybe his 4th point) and his subsequent follow up posts, you'd know that he does not really criticize the look of the content or the concept of the content or the cleanliness of anyone's shirt, but rather the professionalism in creating that content.

Looking up info on a game and surpressing unpleaseant sounds while doing videos has nothing to do with becoming the next "Gametrailers", scripting videos to please the industry overlords or forcing Jeff into wearing business attire.

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@htr10 said:

You don't want to pay $50 a year for premium content on an internet site that you don't like as much as you used to like. That's cool. If you expressed your feelings about the site and why you are cancelling to GB staff, then that's the right thing to do so they know why their subscriptions go up or down when they do. You are not required to make a big thread about it to defend your decision to the public. If you're not actually leaving the site and just cancelling your membership, there's a pretty good chance at some time between now and the end of the world, you may want to drop a few bucks again to have access to premium content.

Uhm, you know, this is a discussion forum, and an Off-Topic subforum none the less, and it's not like the Title of the Thread does not state clearly what it is about...

Why is the OP supposed to shut up about his issues with the site if he feels like he wants to express them publically?

No, he is not required to defend his decision, but he can, and if you don't engage in his arguments but rather why he writes them in the first place, i feel like you are more wrong at this place than he is.

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Still a proud and mostly satisfied subscriber, but i still have to say that i felt a drop in quality in the content with points mentioned in the OP.

Oftentimes going desperately uninformed into a game in Quicklooks (yes, things like pricing, platforms, and release dates are quick to look up, but when i'm supposed to watch a video about a game thats somewhere between 1/2 and 3 hours made by usually three people, it's REALLY not asked too much), stretching content beyond its worth (Even with the obvious demand of things like Metal Gear Scanlon 5 and an extension on the Hitman EP2 Quicklook, both really, REALLY needed more editing and/or focus on creating entertainment. No matter what Dan (or to a lesser extent Vinny in Project BEAST) say, the Videos would be A LOT better if they would allow themselves to look up stuff or listen to the live chat as opposed to aimlessly trying out stuff for far too long)) and a drop in attention to production quality by the non-production staff (eating and drinking should really be reduced to UPFs).

And even though i'm very open to admit having no clue about what all goes into it, i AM starting to wonder why both the GB East and West Studios still seem to be work in progress.

Yes, talking about professionalism on a site that's very personality-based and intentionally going against professional conventions is a bit odd at times, but the reason i prefer Giant Bomb over every other current Videogame Media thing is that they have better production values and content quality than what you'd get on most Youtube Channels. But when that difference in quality lessens from the GB side of things, the subscription fee slowly becomes a bit much to ask.

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First one died, replaced for free.

Second one died, bought a slim one and sold the other one after it was repaired for free.

While the whole Red Ring dilemma is hardly a fond memory, i personally had not much of an issue with it despite having suffered from it.