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Some thoughts about that Destiny TK Raid

That raid wasn't just my first Destiny raid but also my first raid experience in any MMO style game ever. And holy shit.

Going in I was hopeful that it'd take around 3~5 hours. 5 hours being if things went sideways. What actually happened was... well... I canceled dinner plans and ended up with a headache and feeling pukey due to playing a game for the first time in over a decade. (Oculus rift gives me the spins but doesn't make me want to vomit)

Even with that being the case. That was fucking dope.

Prior to TK I'd only played vanilla Destiny and in it, only to the completion of the story. I then stopped completely till TK at which point, I played thru the story and ground a lil bit to hit 290 light so I could join the raid. I've heard a lotta gripes about Destiny and I understand them but I genuinely enjoyed everything I've played of it. Probably because I didn't play it in excess and I've never cared about gear much. The shooting feels great and the game is pretty so it did what I was looking for.

The raid was the single best team PVE experience I've ever had and the game also felt like something completely different from all the Destiny I'd played before it. The weakest part of the whole thing (besides kinda shitty loot) was definitely the platforming but I mean that it's weak relative to everything else which was amazing. The punishment for missing jumps wasn't that bad and the jumping felt perfectly fine. Maybe even good. It felt good.

There was a real adrenaline pumping, heart racing thrill to some of those boss fights that I haven't felt since I was a kid. And the thrill I felt when we beat the bosses was on a whole nother level. It was joyous. I totally get why people would be way into these things. Tho like, I would NEVER want to go into something like this blind. That's just insane and torturous. Also, I will never do it again. Since I'm pretty whatever on the loot side of the game and it's such a huge time commitment, I don't see myself ever coming back to this particular raid. Tho if there's one in Destiny Year 3... I might actually try to get some people together to check it out =]

It's late and I'm tired so I'm sure this reads like garbage. If anyone has any questions (for whatever reason) I'll be happy to answer em here. Just know that I'm a noob and I know I fucked up plenty of times. Mainly, starting events before people were ready... Sorry about that >,<

This was a goddamn blast. Destiny is super hot. But still. Fuck Oryx. I'm on.