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Metal Gear Scanlon Fanart

It's been ages since I've drawn anything for fun and having just updated Treads! and submitted to the App Store, I had a little bit of breathing room so I decided to do some fanart for my current fav series on the site. Metal Gear Scanlon. Funny (terrible) thing tho, I did actually drew Drew last night but I closed it without saving... So like, the original drawing is gone forever because I'm an idiot. I personally don't feel like this rushed one is as good as the one I did last night but it's still aiight. Man... I wish I saved >,<

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Trying to copy the style of the MGS artworks. I don't like the coloring too much but this being my second go around, I sorta got lazy. =P


My Top 10 E3 2015 Gifs

I posted a hefty number of gifs during this E3 and I was asked if they were all available in one place. I musta put up like 50 gifs >,< Here's the top 10 based on engagements I threw up on Twitter.

And here's a bonus. I love this moon guy.

And here are 3 I tweeted but also threw up onto the site. Sorry for linking to tweets but I tend to upload and then delete the actual files since I go through so many of them so quickly during streams and such. My recycle bin was literally 3GB+ of gifs before I emptied it today >,<

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I feel like this E3 was better than usual~ Really enjoyed everything I saw and am already missing the Lockdown song.


Pixely Wrestlers

So I just finished and submitted my first game to Unity and have been considering working on a wrestling game next... Maybe. In any case, I've been mocking up the style that the wrestlers may look like and what better cast to practice on than the PAX Wrestlers.

Here are a few heads.

Just heads~
Just heads~

And here's an animation test I was working up till my comp crashed.

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I still have to animate the hands and hair, but you get the jist.

I haven't blogged in a while so I thought maybe I'd post updates to whatever becomes of this here =]

Got around to animating the hair and hands.

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I like the full body size of the animated Tracksuit but I'm thinking I may need to go with something more Chibi for the actual game. Especially since the head, pants, and tops need to be mix and matchable.

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So, in my attempt to figure out a way to animate a wide number of characters and combinations without having to draw a million frames for every variation, I checked out what bone/mesh animations would look like with pixel art. The result... is horrifying...

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This is an incredibly basic animation and I didn't go so far as to separate the arms and legs, just the upper body, head, and lower torso. Oh a small screen it may be okay but there's something about wavy pixels that's rubbing me wrong. I may try non-mesh bone animation. It's still a bit janky but at least the pixels themselves stay in a roughly square shape. I'm pretty sure that's what games like Terraria use -_-;;

So I've decided to go with a lower pixel size with smaller and simpler animations. And currently this is where I'm at.

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Fobwashed's Games of 2014

I feel like I at least tried most of the big games that came out this year but I've got very little time for gaming lately so I had to be extremely picky with what I chose to actually play through. Here's a short chronological list of games that really stood out to me this year.

Broken Age

Give it up for Double Fine. They really knocked this one out of the park for me. It was fun to just spend a bit of time in this world with great characters and interesting environments. Really looking forward to the second half.


There's a good chance I played more Threes this year than any other game. I usually don't even play a full game in one sitting but just make a few moves here and there whenever I have a couple seconds while waiting in lines, elevators, etc. Just the perfect phone game.

Mario Kart 8

I didn't play this too much, but what I did play was incredibly enjoyable. I carried my WiiU down to L.A. when I visited and playing this game with a few friends was probably the best local multiplayer experience I've had in years.

Shovel Knight

What a perfect little throwback game. I loved everything about this game. This year's Rogue Legacy =]

Professor Layton vs. Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney

Okay. This one is a bit weird because I didn't really enjoy PLAYING the game as much as I was all over the story and character interactions. I played this skipping as many puzzles as I could just to eat up the plot. I love the PW series and am a bit luke warm on Layton but putting them together was brilliant.


I'm not above being jazzed about being in a game. I enjoyed the gameplay and really enjoyed the purposely stupid story in this game. I'm also equal parts proud and horrified by my acting. It's good fun =P

Middle-earth: Shadow of Mordor

This was a surprise. I didn't expect to ever want to play another game with Batman combat but I powered through this one. It has its share of problems but the newness of the nemesis system and solid fighting mechanics made this one fun to play.

This War of Mine

This game is soul crushing but an amazing thing to experience. It has the emotional payoff of Papers, Please while providing fun and interesting gameplay. I haven't finished it yet and if I fail to make it, I may never play it again but the one play through I'm currently playing is enough to firmly plant this on my list of games this year.

There have been other games this year that I enjoyed but these are the ones that stand out for whatever reason. I don't even think they're the "best" games I've played this year, just the most memorable. Pretty much, they're the ones I'd recommend to my friends =] So here we are friends. Check out these winners if you haven't yet~


Dirty Dan Ryckert Shirt =D


A little while ago, I put together a mock up of a movie poster type deal of Dan Ryckert.

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It's a goof on the iconic Rocky image from that one movie I can't remember the name of.

Anyway, Mr. Dirty Dan also posted it and this chain of tweets happened.

I threw together a quick mock-up of what it might look like on a shirt and Dan really liked the idea so when I had some free time, I cleaned it up, made a couple changes and now this =]

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This is what the Tee image looks like. Some changes to the head, sleeves, pants, and controller =]
This is what the Tee image looks like. Some changes to the head, sleeves, pants, and controller =]

Not posting any links here but if you want one, you can check out either my twitter account or Dan's =] Just wanted to share that this dumb thing happened~ I'm hoping to see someone wearing it during the next PAX Rumble event >,<

So yea, I made a silly shirt to go along with the other silly shirts I've done =]

PAX East

PAX Prime


Here's to hoping it shows up on some videos =P

It's spotlighted now thanks to Marino~


I made a Game Bomb shirt =P

I was made aware by Diet Coke addict John Drake a few weeks prior to PAX that they were planning on doing a Gamebomb related prank at the Giant Bomb panel and maybe I could help out. That sounded like amazing fun so I whipped up this thing.

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I sent the image to one Dave "Langzone" Lang and got this reply. It's in reverse order because that's how twitter DMs work. So, with literally less than two weeks left till PAX, Dave Lang decided to use an image to rush order shirts for his prank at the GB panel. Because he's THAT fucking crazy/awesome.

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This is the first mock up we got from the printers. The shirts were designed to be placed on a red shirt because I think that's how communist Russia works but the printers informed us later on that they couldn't put it on RED because the colors weren't going into the fabric correctly. They were using a water based screening process rather than a plastic one and there's a whole nother story about the difference between the two. In any case, they ended up being printed on black for use at the panel. And boy... were they ever fucking used at that panel!

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The shirts literally arrived the afternoon of the panel. The printing was cut THAT close >,< Lang used the site and they're located all the way across the country in freaking Florida. So. He rush ordered 100 shirts and had them express shipped all the way to Seattle... for a joke at a panel that's not even related to Iron Galaxy. He is THAT committed to putting on amazing jokes. The man is a fucking legend. Oh... and not to mention all the other madness those guys put together for this joke panel involving 1 good Russian accent, and about 4 bad ones from John Drake alone =P

So yea, he had a 100 shirts printed but you only see like 7 or so being worn... what happened to the rest? He just threw them into the audience =D

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I've been to a few panels with shirts being handed out, but I've never seen people be this enthusiastic about free shirts. Of course, they were being handed out after an insane prank and also being distributed by a fucking bear but still, people looked hype to get these shirts =]

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They are in three styles of shirt and in their original red glory =]

Yet another reason why PAX was super crazy cool this year~! I was bummed out that this panel wasn't being streamed live. I feel like the community reaction to the entire thing would've been absolutely nuts. Hopefully East... GLHF <>


PAX Prime 2014 in 101 Words

I'm stealing @marino 's format to describe what I can remember of PAX Prime 2014. We spent quite a lot of it doing the same stuff. You can find his here =]

"presented in (mostly) chronological order with little to no explanation or context:"

PAX as usual was a goddamn blast. Got to meet a ton of fantastic people inside and outside of the games industry and was a much needed burst of awesome following one of the worst months of online shittery in a long time. Thank you to everyone I met at the show new and old for making it an amazing experience! Also, it was super awesome to see so many of my shirts both old and new and secret being worn all about the show~ Unsure whether I'll make it out to East this next time around, but I'll definitely be at Prime again next year!



I made a silly color blind related shirt

I got an idea for something silly so I decided to put it on a shirt.

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If you've ever seen one of these, it's called an Ishimara dot test. It uses dots within specific color ranges and depending on whether or not you can see the image hidden within the dots, you can determine whether you're color blind or not. I'm color blind and there are some tests I just cannot see the solution to so I thought it'd be funny if there were a way for non-color blind people to feel my pain. The joke here is that this image has no hidden image =D So all them non-color blind folks will know the pain of being color blind if only for a moment!

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Anyway, I've got a TeeSpring set up with the test here. Check it out and grab one if you'd like~ Or better yet, if you have any color blind friends, send em a link!

Start the Conversation

Duder Geolocation Project

Where are we?

Hey duders, I found a website that lets you put markers on a map so why not get a general idea of where we are? Here's the map link.


The map at 1020 mapped =D
The map at 1020 mapped =D

How Do I Get On It?

Just leave your location in the comments below and I'll add you. Nothing specific please, just City, State and Country... or whatever the equivalent is for your area =]

I am copy/pasting your given location. If you add hyphens and shit, it may place you in some crazy ass location. If you give me some kind of sentence that contains your location, I am copy/pasting the entire sentence. I will not fix shit because it takes too much time. You have been warned =D

Follow my future idiocy via Twitter



PAX PRIME 2014 GiantBomb Shirt

Sales Ending on 27th of June

If you don't get your name in before then, you'll have to track me down at Prime =P


If you are planning to attend PAX Prime 2014 and would like to purchase the shirt pictured below, please post your shirt size and I'll include you in the PAX EAST PMs regarding the shirt =]

What is it?

It's a shirt I'll be putting together to hand out to duders attending PAX Prime 2014 in Seattle.

The shirt design.
The shirt design.
Colors available
Colors available


Small - Large = $16 ::: XL = $17 ::: 2XL = $18 ::: 3XL = $19 ::: 4XL = $20

Is this even legal?

I've gotten the green light from Giant Bomb staff that this is cool to do. I think the reason they're cool with it is because it's a very small quantity and for a very limited time only for people who are attending a specific show. Also, because Giant Bomb is hella cool with their community doing stupid stuff like this =]

How can I get one?

This is the big unfortunately part of the whole thing.

I will only be handing these out to people who have pre-ordered and pre-paid for them and can pick them up from PAX Prime 2014.

The reason for this is two fold.

1. I'm doing this for fun and not for profit and there's no way in hell I want to be mailing these things out to people because it's just too much trouble.

2. I want to keep it down to a small quantity so that I don't draw the attention of the CBSi gods.

Previously, I accepted pre-payments but they weren't necessary. This time around, I'm going to get a total order number, and then only produce the exact amount that have been paid for and claimed. The biggest challenge I had at PAX East was carrying the shirts around and I don't want to repeat having a bunch of extras. I will figure out the pricing once I have a solid number on how many orders I get. I will be pricing them to cover the costs of getting the GB staff shirts for free because they deserve it =]

Why should I trust you to deliver if I pay?

Well, at this point, I've done it before.

Here is the pre-order page for the PAX East shirt.

Here is how the PAX East shirt was made.

And here is how the PAX East shirt was distributed by me at PAX East =]

And here are some pictures I've gotten of duders wearing said shirts. (Also, Brad wore the hoodie during his dance with Drew)

Alright, how do I get in on this?

Right now, PAX Prime tickets have not gone on sale yet so we don't know whether or not we're going to be going. What I will do at this point though, is gauge interest to try to figure out how I want to get these produced this time around. For East, I was down in LA and met up with a friend of mine that screen prints shirts so I had the luxury of being able to mail them to myself in Boston. This time around, I don't think I'll be in LA so there's a chance I won't be using him in which case, I'll need to know a general quantity range before figuring out where I should get them printed up here. Or, if I should use an online site like TeeSpring.

What you can do that'd be super helpful for me now is if you are interested, please leave a comment with your T-shirt size. After tickets for PAX are sold, I will start a PM chain with everyone that has declared interest on this post and from there I'll clear up final pricing (Definitely less than $20. Prolly around $16~$18) and set up payments and also discuss where we'll meet and when. Anyone who picked up a shirt from me at PAX East will know the drill =]

See below to check if I've got your order down!

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