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Late 2010: Games I'm Looking Forward To

  Alright, due to my lack of originality, and obsession with gaming, I thought I'd make a list of what games I'm looking forward to for the rest of this year. I'll probably do a "Favourites of This Year" and "Favourite Games in a Genre" at some point aswell, but for now I'll just do what I'm looking forward to for the next 2/3 months. I'll probably write some reviews of most at some point; hell, I may even video capture gameplay =P But anyway, these are just what I'm personally looking forward to in no particular order:

  • Sonic Colours (November - Wii) - Me being a relatively large Sonic fan, I'm getting this naturally. The reason why I'm looking forward to this 'over' 4 is nothing against 4 at all; but rather that I LOVED the day sections in Unleashed, and this looks like it's just going to be more of those, with some quirky powerups ^^ Sadly I didn't get round to playing this at Summer of Sonic '10, basically due to there only being one Wii, and bad crowd controls. But I did get to peek between gaps of heads and watch gameplay there and pretty much everything of it on the internet to know I'll probably love it =P
  • Sonic 4: Episode 1 (October - X360) - Staying on the Sonic topic for now, I DID maange to play 4 during the later hours of SoS when the queue was dieing down slightly. Like I said in Colours, I have nothing too major against this game, I just prefer the look of Colours over this. It definately feels speedy and plays/handles awsome, and looks visually great, probably the closest thing to the Mega Drive/Genesis games so far.
  • Shaun White Skateboarding (October - X360) - Now, at first glance, I know a lot of people have called this a Skate rip off and that it looks 'stupid', but ever since the first gameplay at E3, I LOVED the look of it. The basic idea is that it's a skating game about 'transformation', and there's two major eye catching mechanics. The first, and arguably larger feature is that you bring the world from dull and black and white one, to a colourful and lively one by simply skating and tricking, which looks pretty unqiue and fun, it definately caught my attention because of my love of colourful, vibrant stuff =P. The second awsome, unique concept is called 'shaping'. Basically you can take objects that you trick from; I.e. rails, ramps, certain ground sections etc and well, shape them. Not only does this look fun and cool to do, it also means you can be more creative and find original, more creative lines and such. Really, I've spoke a lot about this a lot, because it's probably joint first of games I'm wanting (along with Sonic Colours), and I'm sorry, for going on forever =P
  • The Sims 3 (October - X360) - Okay, here's HOPEFULLY where things go from being a monolithicly huge Paragraph/Novel O' Doom to being a bit more reasonable, honest! I don't have TOO much to say about The Sims 3, other than the fact that I played quite a lot of 1, and a small amount of the second. After a while I sort of phased out from playing it, partially due to boredom, partially due to other games/social life stuff, XD. But I do like simulation stuff, NOT because of all the messing around trying to get a job promotion. Oh hell no, I often treated The Sims as a sort of 'rat lab experiment', trying out different techniques on different families and houses, seeing how hillariously good or bad stuff could get. Other times, I did take it 'seriously' as well and often would just sit there trying to genuninely do a good job raising my Sims.
  • Create (October(?) - X360) - Alright, I have a creative spark in the back of my mind, where sometimes I just want to make SOMETHING. Something productive, something wacky, something unqiue, whatever my mood was. I've seen stuff from the singleplayer objective/puzzle stuff they give you, and that looks fun to do, in a creative way, I guess. But I mainly want this game to make cool random environments. ^^
  • Assassin's Creed: Brotherhood (November - X360) - Alright, I'll at least TRY to keep this short and simple, xP. Basically Assassin's Creed 1 + 2 are open world stealth games in a historical setting with quite a lot of traversal/platfoming mechanics, and I LOVE both stealth and platforming games ^^ The 2nd game in particular had a fantastic amount of depth with all the tools you could use to take out your targets. It wasn't just stealthing around either, there was a bunch of random collectibles, upgrades and the like to mess around with. Now there's a third game coming out with a new singleplayer, and a multiplayer mode which definately looks like it'll be fun to try and outsmart people in.
  • Fallout: New Vegas (October - X360) - Okay, whilst I'm on the subject of Fallout, I should probably confess that I've not got through all the DLC in 3 yet, I'll get around to it! Ahem. Fallout 3 is an post apocayptic (sandbox/open world) RPG with first person shooter elements. Admittedly, it wasn't TOO original, but hell, was it addcting to go around, completing quests, choosing sides, getting engrossed in stories, and generally using the freedom the game gives you. Essentially New Vegas is mainly a 'more of the same' type of deal, with the game being set in post-apocayptic Vegas. There's not TOO much new, other than improved FPS mechanics, a new character (and therefore plot), and a Hardcore mode that sounds challenging (essentially real life, you need to drink and eat to not starve or get dehydrated, healing now takes time, etc).
Alright, when I first started writing this, I geuninely didn't believe it would turn out this large, sorry =/ Hopefully what I've said will make sense and be comprehendable, and depending on my feelings on this, I may do a 'honourable mentions' in a week or so, or just a simliar type of post for the first few months of 2011. Either way, hope you've enjoyed this =]