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I think Honda's race car teams need to take some pointers from Honda's street car teams. My Accord seem pretty reliable.

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This is hard. I played both and both a fantastic games. I prefer the world that The Witness built but I like the puzzles in Talos Principle more. So Talos Principle.

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I love the setting and I think the choice of white supremacist (I am assuming) antagonists is great. But lets be real, this is Ubiosoft and a AAA game. I highly doubt it will have any meaningful or thoughtful commentary on the subject. It will all boil down to of "shoot bad guy" and maybe "every group of people has a bad side, the protagonist is no better than the enemy" aka the safest statement ever to make nobody mad.

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#5  Edited By flasaltine

I will copy the formatting of the OP

#1 Hand. Cannot. Erase. - Steven Wilson (2015)

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I absolutely fell in love with this the first time I heard it. Fantastic production, lyrics, and songwriting. It was an amazing experience to see this live and Routine is the only song to ever make me cry. Practically everything that Steven Wilson puts out is outstanding and I think this tops them all. My absolute favorite album of all time.

Link to album playlist

#2 Metropolis Pt. 2: Scenes from a Memory - Dream Theater (1999)

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Everything OP said applies. Dream Theater was my go to band for years and years until their recent stretch (still love 'em) and this album has my most played songs of theirs.

Full album stream

#3 Illmatic - Nas (1994)

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All time great hip-hop album and my favorite for reasons probably everyone knows about. Lyrics are off the charts and the beats are killer. Every song on here is great.

Full album stream

#4 Animals - Pink Floyd (1977)

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Pure prog rock and I love it. Three long ass songs with two bookends. There was a summer where I listened to this every day while playing Animal Crossing. It is burned into my brain.

Full album stream

#5 V: The New Mythology Suite - Symphony X (2000)

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This is pure neoclassical progressive metal cheese, complete with 90's CGI on the cover. Hell, their album from 2015 had 90's CGI on the cover too. This thing has some sort of overarching story that I have never managed to peice together about Egyptian gods or something, but Allen's great vocals and Romeo's always ripping ass riffs combined with better than their usual songwriting make this my favorite Symphony X album.

Full album stream

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@hermes said:

Ehhh.... no.

F&F became watchable after the 4th. Before that, it was just Point Break with a big cars fetish.

You might be confused because you saw them through the Films & 40s filter (which can lighten up a lot of things), but that is like saying Manos and Hercules are the best movies ever because of that one MST3000 episode.

No, I re-watched them without the commentary.

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Just got finished rewatching the series while not being drunk off my ass the whole time and I just saw F8. Yep. The best film series of all time. Adding F8 to the list of damn good movies in this series only strengthens my argument.

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The difference at that size is so minimal it's a non-issue from my point of view. Why not use the fill browser or fullscreen options?

It is mostly an issue during actual live streams where I want to look at chat at the same time, so I don't use fullscreen.

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Now I ain't no producer and I know putting 16:9 Extended HD gameplay with facecams without covering up the game is going to leave a smaller screen for the game but I feel they could be made a little bigger. Hell, lets just look at the differences between GB East and West:

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See how the GBW stream has much more vertical and horizontal space dedicated to the game? I don't view GB videos full screen so now we have a postage stamp inside of a smaller window like this:

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and I mocked up what it would be like if we removed some of the wasted space around the facecams and dedicated it towards the game:

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Not really a huge difference but I think it is a bit nicer just to make the Xtreme HD gameplay a bit bigger.

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@flasaltine: Wait wait wait, there's not enough creativity and innovation in music today? Have you seen the breadth of music that comes out each week? I seriously can't keep up. Anytime there's a "whatcha listening to thread" I feel like I haven't heard half the artists people are mentioning, and when I listen to them it's almost always really good and sonically novel. Methinks you need to broaden your horizons.

Maybe I should say that bands or individuals themselves aren't innovating their own sound. Sure, there is lots of diversity, but a lot of people are sticking to one sound.