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Average score of 50 user reviews

Smooth Moves couldn’t have come at a better time. 0

I often wonder how the WarioWare series ever came to be, a collaboration of the most insane mini-games you could ever wish to play all bundled into one package. I can just imagine now, a room full of crazy Japanese game designers blurting out bizarre ideas such as poking over-sized nostrils with over-sized fingers or shaking the bugs off of an ape’s banana for pleasure. However WarioWare came to be there’s no doubting it’s a winning formula, there’s just something about the random insanity that ...

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Breaks down stereotypes set by poor quiz-based games before it. 0

I was rather apprehensive upon buying this game, it would be pretty easy to label this as a cash-in of a beloved game show and that’s exactly what I did. I could envisage mindless drones buying this game purely for the ginger haired nut on the box; the spawn of Satan herself. As a general rule games based on TV game shows are just plain awful, infact thinking through as many as my memory will allow I struggle to name a single decent one. I guess with an introduction such as this you’re now wonde...

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Unfortunately Wii Play is just way too shallow. 0

Wii Play comes packaged with a “free controller” which means the game would cost around £5 or $10 if it was being sold separately. This has to be taken into account when reviewing it because as a full priced game this wouldn’t even be worth writing about. It’s all built around nine mini-games that are all designed to showcase the controllers fundamental mechanics, ok lets go out on a limb and call this a ‘tech demo’. It’s also a chance to play with your Mii’s because we all know how addictive th...

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It emanated its own zany charm. 0

Zany Golf is probably a name many of you are unfamiliar with, it didn’t redefine a genre and it didn’t change the face of golf games for a generation but what it did do was bring silliness to the sport with a whimsical approach to its courses and its overall gameplay. Compared to games such as Mini Golf which were released around the same time Zany Golf truly excelled, taking their boring 2D graphics and bringing them to life with colourful 3D environments. The graphics as a whole were great, u...

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Some say Zool didn’t break the mould; some say "Zool? Huh?". 0

The majority of you may never have heard of Zool, you would probably look rather bewildered if I uttered the name Amiga. If this is indeed the case then stop reading now and go back to your snazzy next generation consoles because it doesn’t matter how these games came about as long as you enjoy them right? Wrong. Infact if you haven’t heard of either it’s rather imperative you read on and discover the root to many of today’s classic platformers; yes it was partly to do with Mario, yes it was pa...

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Not the greatest port but it’s budget price-tag makes it a must. 0

Tekken 5: Dark Resurrection Tekken originally made a name for itself in arcades, it was such a huge success and like all great arcade games soon made the leap on to consoles. Sony cleverly obtained the license and unsurprisingly it became an instant success, introducing more gamers to the franchise than ever before through the power of accessibility. Then last year the series delved into the portable market and once again succeeded in making a solid game that not only maintained that same great ...

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One of the best rhythm games on the market today. 0

Welcome to the craziest, most peculiar yet addictive rhythm game you could ever wish to experience. The Elite Beat Agents are a band of secret agents who wouldn’t look out of place in the next Men in Black movie, infact you even get to play as agent Smith who doesn’t look all that dissimilar to Big Willie himself. The premise is simple yet disturbing. Somebody faces an utterly bizarre problem and shouts for help, then its agents to the rescue as they attempt to dance away any obstacle that stand...

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A huge risk, but one that's paid off big time. 0

Welcome to Paradise City, a place that packs more punch than a heavy-weight boxer, more pizzazz than a back-street burlesque, and err, more yellow than The Simpsons.Burnout Paradise is essentially an open sprawling world chock-full of Burnout goodness, and a huge world at that. In fact it can take up to ten minutes just to drive from one side of the map to the other, which is pretty impressive when you consider the speed some of the cars can reach. What's also mightily impressive is the fact tha...

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Provides an ultimately solid experience. 0

Resistance: Fall of Man is essentially a science-fiction shooter; developed by Insomniac games (the guys that brought you the ever-popular ratchet and Clank series). The game had a big responsibility on its shoulders from the get-go, not only was it one of only a few launch titles Sony were hoping would sell their hardware but it was also expected to fill the void that Killzone’s delay had left behind. Based in an alternate 20th century you take the role of the intrepid Sgt Nathan Hale – part of...

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A base to improve upon. 0

Motorstorm was one of the very first games to be showcased on the PlayStation 3 and early previews already had gamers foaming at the mouths, then when game footage was released jaws drooped at its absolutely stunning visuals. Even now after months it’s still one of the best looking games around. From the impressive lighting effects and inspiring back drops, right down to the way the mud splatters up onto the screen and deforms the ground right in front of your eyes. Sure there are some horrid-lo...

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