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  • FeloniousMonk posted a message on the post ALBUMMER! 06: U2's "Songs of Innocence".

    @mellotronrules said:fun episode! U2 is complicated, and though they have a shit ton of chud in their catalogue- there's also legendary songs and albums.@ripelivejam said: i'm team Achtung, Baby/Zoor...

  • FeloniousMonk posted a message on the post Bak 2 Skool 01: Electricity.

    @bisonhero: I was just coming here to say this. It's tough to explain a topic like electricity without a working understanding of chemistry and/or atomic theory.

  • FeloniousMonk followed The Exquisite Corps .
  • FeloniousMonk posted a message in the forum topic Your Life in Giant Bomb. on the General Discussion board

    I hardly ever post on the site, but it feels wrong not to say anything about what Giantbomb - and Brad, Vinny, and Alex in particular - have meant to me over the years. And this seems like the thread...

  • FeloniousMonk followed Astroneering with Brad and Vinny .