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Average score of 2 user reviews

Facing your FEARs 0

Fear is a great game and is unlike many other FPS games in many ways. Monolith have gone out of their way to raise areas of this genre above and beyond anything that anyone has acheived before. Gameplay: One of Fears great assets is its gameplay. The controls are well laid out and once you get used to them you should have no trouble leaning round corners, aiming and shooting dudes. I found the aiming idea really useful and suited my style well. Leaning is a must and unless you get good at it yo...

0 out of 0 found this review helpful.

An Immersive Masterpiece 0

This is an amazing game. I was amazed by the first hour and completely sucked in from that point on. The start leaves you completely immeresed in city 17 and what's going on. I love the way characters interact with you thoughout the game and they look wonderful with great lip sync. Some problems I had were that it was too short! I finished it in three days not playing it too much each day. But what was there great. Also the AI isnt as great as i had hope it would be. I actually thought the HL 1 ...

2 out of 2 found this review helpful.