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4 Most Offensive Games Ever

 4 Most Offensive Games Ever

 This was too good to not make a GB list.

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  • Also known as Westward Ho (clever) and The White Man Came (clever), Custer's Revenge is a sort of grand pioneer adventure starring you (General Custer) and a Native American lady named Revenge. Only, this isn't the sort of dynamic duo pairing of something like, say, Resident Evil 5, because Revenge is tied to a pole and the game is mostly all about having sex with her. But where “having sex” means “raping”. Following on from previous release Beat 'Em and Eat 'Em, which is or isn't what you think it is (depending on just how you think), it's not exactly shocking that developer Mystique went bang shortly afterwards.

  • So running with the general theme of rape then, and Illusion Soft's RapeLay sees protagonist-antagonist Kimura Masaya stalking and raping a mother and her two daughters, aged 16 and 10. And...well, that's about it, really. Oh, it's also possible to get someone pregnant, which results in one of the game's “bad” endings. The lesson learned here? Try the 10-year old next time, stupid.

  • Another super classy title from Illusion Soft, this one mixes the action up a bit by combining versus brawling and rape. So think Tekken, but with more…rape. There's also a sort of fatality move involving a face, tears, and a significant bit of male anatomy. Oh, those wacky Japanese – what will they think of next? Besides Battle Raper 2, of course. Which actually exists.

  • Left Behind Games' Left Behind: Eternal Forces (no dearth of creativity here) is a real time strategy set in post-Rapture New York. The Rapture, of course, is some mythological apocalypse sort of thing. Like Ragnarok, but without all the cool monster wolves and frost giants and Thor and stuff.

    Anyway, the point of the game is for remaining Christian forces to kill off all the non-Christian forces. You know, because they're not Christian. Of course, it's not outrageous bigotry when it's Jesus, and we're not allowed to criticise this game or we'll get this nice letter from Left Behind Games' attorneys along like everyone else did:

    "RE: False information posted on your site about the video game LEFT BEHIND: Eternal Forces

    To whom this may concern:

    I represent Left Behind Games Inc., the developer and publisher of the LEFT BEHIND series of video games. Your organization hosts a website that has information posted about this game. Unfortunately, there are many statements on your website which appear to be false and misleading. This type of misinformation may cause significant and irreparable harm to Left Behind Video Games Inc. and must be removed.

    Left Behind Games Inc. generally supports free speech in the media and understands how important it is to have various opinions presented for public consumption. It will not, however, tolerate the publication of information regarding its products that is false or misleading.

    Left Behind Games Inc. is demanding that you immediately remove any and all information contained on your site about the above stated game that is false and/or misleading, including any such statements or commentary and the responses thereto. This includes posted comments made by others in the context of reading the incorrect or misleading statements.

    If you do not comply immediately, the company will be forced to pursue additional legal action which will include claims for damages, costs of suit and attorney's fees. This may subject you and your organization to significant legal and financial damages."