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#1  Edited By EnterpriseE
@Swordfish9:  Oh man that made my day. LOL!! At least its not as bad as we once feared it to be. Hopefully by Saturday we all will be back to Online gaming on PS3.
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#2  Edited By EnterpriseE

Yeah I can't wait for more 40k. This looks very intersting considering how well Dawn of War 2 is.

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#3  Edited By EnterpriseE

 I recently just fixed my xbox 360 from the dreaded Red Ring of Death when I discovered that the dvd drive wouldn't open nor close on its own. Even when done manually all it does is just sit there. When I press the eject button the middle green light blinks 1 time and it just sits there.

I have already bought an replacement drive and as you can see its still doing the same thing. I already taken the "Key" from the old dvd drive and put it in the new drive and still no go.    Here is the video of my problem:  Any help with this would be great.

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#4  Edited By EnterpriseE

But from what I understand that it won't have the red lights like previous console but display a different error.  So they haven't fix the Red Ring of Death. I think i am going to wait for it to be out on the market before I decide to trade my old one in. 

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#5  Edited By EnterpriseE

AHHHH!!! Giant Bomb. The wait is killing me and to think we been waiting almost 10 years for a taste of this.

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#6  Edited By EnterpriseE

LOL!! At the people wanting a second Analog. You people make me laugh. Besides its more than just an redesign , They are trying to entice the developers in making SMALLER GAMES like Lunimus. Not big games like Socom or God of War because you ask anyone why they buy a DS and they will tell you because the games are pick up and go.

This PSP GO wasn't design to replace what is already out but to get devs and consumers who prefer pick up an play games. Smaller games uses less funds to make which in turn gives devs a chance to try something different instead of PS2 ports of games.

Just my 2 cents about the thing.

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#7  Edited By EnterpriseE

Those were the days.

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#8  Edited By EnterpriseE

Yeah I knew about the 10 min time limit. I guess i was having so much fun that i didn't realize i started over. LOL!!! Any one here played in the Mulitplayer Beta awhile back?

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#9  Edited By EnterpriseE

I said depending on HOW YOU LIKE TO PLAY THE GAME. Jeez.

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#10  Edited By EnterpriseE

Hi everyone. Been awhile since my last post so here we go.

I don't know if anyone remembers but a couple of months ago the developers had an Online Multiplayer Beta for the Xbox 360 which is where I got my first hands on time with the game. As for as the MP goes it was solid even in the state it was in. I remember having tons and tons of fun just hammering people into the ground. Anyway this new demo finally shows off what the actual single player campaign would run like.

First thing off the bat is the graphics and the comparison between Xbox 360 and PS3. There is only a SLIGHT DIFFERENCE between the 2 games. While one boasting sharper shadows while the other has better dark areas. I won't go into much detail because it really silly trying to find something different about the two when it only serves fan boys.

The way you game is structured similar in the way GTA series missons are structured. You do a certian amount of missions till that sector been liberated from the EDF. For those that don't know the EDF is the Earth Defence Force who in the first Red Faction game were the good guys thet help liberate the planet of Mars from an evil organization that was treating miners like dirt. Fast forward 50 years and you have Red Faction 3. Where the planet Mars has been teraformed to the point where people can walk and leave on the planet surface. Of course much like the first game the EDF is now keeping the people on the planet on a super tight leash.

The controls for this game is similar to many 3rd Person Shooters but its the weapons that really sets this game apart. You start off with just a simple Miners Hammer. Which is perfect for nailing things into the ground , destorying a column in front of your, or simplay bash a guys body straight into the ground. There are many different weapons like your standard Assault Rifle and Sniper Rifles but alot of the other weaponry was had made by the resistance group.

The actual demo lasts about 10 to 20mins depending on if you go rushing in there or actually take your time. Either way I came away with one feeling after the playing both the MP Online Beta and the single player demo. FUN. Its just plain fun. Now we have to see if the whole game holds up well when its released in 2 months.