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Average score of 117 user reviews

Oh, wetwork. Geddit? 0

 Taking inspiration from classic grindhouse movies, WET’s fairly unique visual style is mixed together with some slow-motion based gun combat that’s vaguely similar to both Max Payne and Stranglehold in its execution. Sadly, though, it’s a case of style over substance as the gameplay quickly becomes tedious, instead relying on its grindhouse presentation to hold interest until the very end. The Tarantino-esque story follows female protagonist Rubi Malone, a ruthless assassin with a penchant for...

0 out of 0 found this review helpful.

Command the power of rock! 0

 Staring at a heavy metal album cover can muster up many thoughts: why is there a Black Panther shooting laser beams from its eyes? Why do I find that so cool? And what in God’s name does this have to do with the actual music? The answer to the latter is normally ‘nothing’, but the crazy, elaborate heavy metal album covers of old never failed to capture the imagination. They definitely inspired Tim Schafer in his teenage years, and now his team at Double Fine have finally brought it all to life ...

13 out of 17 found this review helpful.

Who knew playing as a Jedi could be such a drag? 0

 The last few years has seen a plethora of Lego titles, tackling such high profile properties as the original and new Star Wars trilogies, the Indiana Jones movies and even the Batman universe. It’s difficult for a kid-friendly 3D platformer not to take inspiration and borrow a few ideas from the popular series in some way. Sadly, Star Wars The Clone Wars: Republic Heroes – based on the recent Clone Wars animated-cartoon series – is a far cry from the comical fun experienced with those little ye...

1 out of 1 found this review helpful.

All you need is plastic instruments 0

Harmonix have always been fully committed to DLC with their Rock Band franchise; with new songs released every week to amass a gigantic library of content from a whole host of different genres and artists. However, one band has thus far eluded the downloadable sonisphere; specifically because they demand a much bigger stage than a single track pack. Harmonix have faithfully obliged, taking a year out – and possibly more – to skip Rock Band 3 and put as much time and effort in to create a game wo...

0 out of 0 found this review helpful.

The realistic flight-sim makes its way to consoles 1

The IL-2 Sturmovik series has been a staple of PC combat flight simulators for many years now. Its overabundance of authentic World War II aircraft, large scale multiplayer and mechanically proficient simulation gameplay has made it a fan favourite among the PC gaming crowd. Thus far this enthusiasm has failed to transfer over to the console market, with games such as Tom Clancy's H.A.W.X and Ace Combat failing to maintain any sort of lasting impression and grasp on the market. IL-2 Sturmovik: B...

5 out of 5 found this review helpful.

Holy awesome videogame, Batman! 0

It’s understandable to be a little sceptical coming into Batman: Arkham Asylum. Whenever developers Rocksteady have shown trailers, gameplay and screenshots, the game has looked fantastic; but that uncontrollable doubt is always lingering in the back of the mind purely because it’s a licensed comic book videogame. For that reason alone, Arkham Asylum is the surprise game of the year. It might not be difficult to exceed such minimal expectations, but the Dark Knight has gone so far above and beyo...

4 out of 4 found this review helpful.

This game should have remained in the past. 0

There was a lot of excitement leading up the release of Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Turtles in Time Re-Shelled. The original “Un-Shelled” edition was a big hit in the arcades back in ‘91, and later on for the SNES in ‘92. For a long time I shared this excitement, but a few levels into this remake I came to the realisation that this was purely because I hadn’t played the original in so long. Games have come a long way since the early 1990s and Turtles in Time is the perfect example of this if t...

2 out of 2 found this review helpful.

Because "Explosion Man" just sounds dumb. 0

A few levels into ‘Splosion Man you’ll find a rather large scientist with a particular fondness for doughnuts. Upon picking him up and using him as your own human shield, an original song about doughnuts, and how much everybody loves them, begins to play that could very easily rival the greatness of Portal’s galvanizing hit, Still Alive. This is just one example of one of the many moments in Twisted Pixel’s ‘Splosion Man that will bring a massive smile to your face; along with many that will tur...

0 out of 0 found this review helpful.

An unflattering end to a decent run of DLC. 0

Those that have spent a large amount of time exploring the Capital Wasteland in Fallout 3 have probably come across the downed Alien Spaceship before. It lies to the north and has little significance other than to provide you with one of the best weapons in the game and stir up some thoughts and musings at to how the ship came to be.Mothership Zeta - the final piece of DLC for Fallout 3 - is here to provide some answers, although you’ll probably be left disappointed by the results.    As per usu...

0 out of 0 found this review helpful.

So you want to be a pirate, eh? You look more like a flooring ins 0

It might be hard to grasp but back in the ’90s LucasArts were at the forefront of the adventure game genre. They may not have always received the commercial success they deserved, but critically, and amongst fans, LucasArts created some of the greatest games to ever grace the genre. The puzzles were inventive, challenging and quirky, and the writing was of another level; hilarious, witty and with plenty of heart and honesty. There was rarely a negative aspect leveled at the classic point and cli...

0 out of 0 found this review helpful.

No leg humping or wrecking balls in sight. Phew. 0

Less than meets in the eye - a phrase that could easily be applied to the first video game tie-in to Michael Bay’s action-heavy robot opus, Transformers. It was a lesson in mediocrity, and as such, a new developer has been handed the reigns to the sequel in a bid to make giant transforming robots fun again. How hard can it be? In truth, Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen is a much more focused project than it’s movie counterpart. While the film struggles to find its tone, the game firmly knows...

0 out of 0 found this review helpful.

LittleBigMetalGear. 0

This Christmas the nice folks over at Media Molecule - creators of the ridiculously cute LittleBigPlanet - decided to team up with Konami to give us, the fans, a little gift. “What could this be?” You might ask. “Some new character skins?” As is the norm on LittleBigPlanet at the moment. Well… yes, but not only that because they’ve also decided to give us a level pack. Now you must really be intrigued, but it’s all very obvious really. Take two of PlayStation 3’s biggest games and mash them toge...

1 out of 1 found this review helpful.

Liberate Alaska. 0

Fallout 3 was one of the best games of 2008. Even after eighty hours of play it’s a difficult task to find everything there is to do in the Capital Wasteland, so it’s nice to see Bethesda are working on downloadable content to extend the playtime even further. Operation: Anchorage is the first of three packs of DLC being released over the next few months, and it takes the game in a distinctive, new direction. But is that a good thing? Especially if you’re going to be spending 800 points on it. T...

1 out of 1 found this review helpful.

The Suber Bowl party went a bit OTT. 0

The Pitt didn’t get off to a good start. Within hours of going up, message boards were filled to the brim with angry gamers complaining of myriad glitches and crashes with Bethesda’s latest piece of downloadable content for Fallout 3. It was eventually taken down due to a corrupt file and put back up again about a day later much to the pleasure of many. Those that patiently waited will find a much more enjoyable expansion than Operation: Anchorage, even if it’s still relatively short and un-poli...

2 out of 3 found this review helpful.

The end was only the beginning 0

This is the one we’ve all been waiting for. Operation: Anchorage and The Pitt were decent expansions to the Fallout 3 universe, but Broken Steel has always been the big one everyone has looked ahead to. While it’s not quite the Shivering Isles of Fallout 3, it still offers plenty of hours of gameplay, and more importantly, increases the level cap and extends the game beyond the disappointing and abrupt original ending. I’ll be talking about that ending here, so you have been warned; spoilers ahe...

2 out of 2 found this review helpful.

I'm gonna have me some moonshine! 0

After the release of Broken Steel it looked like the end of the line for Fallout 3’s downloadable adventures. Luckily for us, however, Bethesda’s commitment to this sprawling open-world RPG is still in full swing as we have two new pieces of DLC to look forward to over the next few summer months. The first of which is available to buy right now for 800 Microsoft Points in the shape of Point Lookout; a derelict little town located just outside of the Capital Wasteland, home to numerous wacky char...

5 out of 5 found this review helpful.

Getting better with every round. 0

Back when this gen was next-gen, Fight Night Round 3 shocked and awed everyone with its graphical prowess. It was the first game to truly show what the current batch of consoles were capable of, and anyone with a HDTV lapped it up just to flaunt to their friends (and anyone that happened to be in the vicinity). It was a power horse for the next-generation, showcasing fluid animations, fantastic lightning effects and all the slow motion sweat and blood anyone could ever need. Of course it was hel...

0 out of 0 found this review helpful.

Bustin' still makes me feel good! 0

Twenty five years ago one film sent both children and adults into hysterics. It had scares, laughs, memorable characters and a gigantic Stay Puft Marshmallow Man; it was everything anyone could ever want from an epic comedy, fully cementing itself as one of the all-time classics of modern cinema. Developers Terminal Reality are faced with the tricky task of creating a product to live up to the name so many adore, and after a bout of development limbo, it’s finally here to create mass hysteria am...

1 out of 1 found this review helpful.

Oraganic Destruction 0

First things first: Prototype and InFamous are completely different games. On the surface they look similar, and sure they both came out around the same time leading to many, many arguments on forum boards over which one is better; but I’m here to preach the truth and tell you that they couldn’t be further apart in terms of gameplay mechanics, powers, visuals and so forth. InFamous focuses more on shooting - with long-range lightning zaps - and great platforming mechanics, whereas Prototype is m...

0 out of 0 found this review helpful.

Planes, boats and submarines. 0

2007’s Battlestations: Midway was a rare breed of game, combing both heavy strategy and action on a grand scale as it tackled WWII naval and air combat in one package. It was definitely a complicated game, featuring an opening tutorial that took around an hour to complete; a daunting task for any first-timers to the genre. Its sequel, Battlestations: Pacific has heard the criticisms and gone back to the drawing board to create a much more streamlined and accessible game, stripping away some of t...

2 out of 2 found this review helpful.

It’s been a long time coming, Spencer. Was it worth the wait? 2

The original console version of Bionic Commando, released on the NES in 1988, presented a completely new way to play the classic side-scrolling action game; replacing the jump button with a unique bionic arm. Rather than leap across hazardous gaps and pitfalls, players were required to use the arm to swing and climb through the levels, as it was implemented in many different ways to tackle certain situations, enemies and boss fights. It may have taken some getting used to, but once players becam...

7 out of 7 found this review helpful.

You better read this or I'll rip your damn head off, bub! 0

With summer comes the hot weather; a time for holidays with family and friends, playing sports down at the local park and relaxing with an ice cold drink by your side. Ironically enough, it’s also the time when most of us travel down to the hot, sweaty confines of the local cinema, as Hollywood assaults our viewing tendencies with myriad big-budget blockbusters spread out across the entire season. Of course this is enjoyable, but these summer blockbusters bring with them rushed and generally poo...

1 out of 1 found this review helpful.

*Insert generic Star Wars quote here* 1

Star Wars - one of the most beloved franchises ever - has been treated to its fair share of good and bad games. The Jedi Knight series best captured what it’s like to wield the power of the Force but LucasArts’ latest title, Star Wars: The Force Unleashed, looks to show you what the Force is really capable of. With brand new technology under its belt and a tie to the movies, the hype machine has certainly been rolling. But does it succeed? If the first level is anything to go by, then yes. You s...

1 out of 1 found this review helpful.

Kill me, kill me now! 0

Golden Axe is one of the most beloved video game franchises in history. Its simple hack and slash gameplay has inspired countless other titles, and it’s regarded as an all-time classic. So it pains me to say it but the latest instalment in the series, Golden Axe: Beast Rider, is a severe disappointment. It starts off with the combat, which is mediocre at best. You have two attack manoeuvres: powerful and fast; neither of them are particularly exciting, and the combos are pretty boring and ultim...

4 out of 4 found this review helpful.

No scientology in sight 0

I’ve always thought the Need For Speed series is at its best when dealing with the boys in blue. Most Wanted was the last time we tackled the law, and since then the franchise has moved off into other directions, trying to diversify things. Now we come to Need For Speed: Undercover, and as the name suggests you’re back behind enemy lines, dealing with both the police and street racers in a story-driven, open-world, racing extravaganza. Just like Most Wanted the story is told via cut scenes feat...

0 out of 0 found this review helpful.

Just hit it with a wrench! 0

Banjo and Kazooie have gotten lazy over the years. In their prime they were the top tandem of platforming, but now all they do is lounge around eating junk food, playing video games and getting fat. I suppose in some ways the platforming genre has taken the same lethargic path, and so Rare are looking to crank things up a gear, get their duo back in shape and change platforming as we know it. Banjo-Kazooie: Nuts & Bolts is the first Banjo game in eight years, and since then a lot has change...

4 out of 4 found this review helpful.

Bust out the tasty jams 0

This may seem a little abrupt but I want to start this review by talking about the instruments you’ll receive with Guitar Hero: World Tour, the fourth instalment in the ever growing music franchise. Their quality won’t come into the final score in any shape or form since they aren’t necessarily required to play the game - if you wanted you could use the Rock Band instruments or any of the guitars from previous Guitar Hero titles - I just figured it was common courtesy to at least tell you about ...

0 out of 0 found this review helpful.

The science of mediocrity 0

It’s safe to say that I’m quite a Hellboy fan. The world created in the two movies is fantastic, and I just love the character - even taking the time to dabble in the comic books. Hellboy: The Science of Evil dips in to both these mediums, creating a universe more suited to the comics whilst also borrowing elements from the films. Sadly, it fails to live up to the name, descending to a place far worse than hell itself… mediocrity. There’s not really much of a story to talk about. You’re basical...

0 out of 0 found this review helpful.

Old school pain 0

Your knuckles are bloodied and bruised, there’s broken glass littering the floor; people are screaming, including yourself. Is this the scene of an unfortunate bar fight? No, I‘m afraid not. Because those knuckles are in agonising pain from where you punched the wall in furious anger; and the broken glass covering your room is actually from your expensive HDTV that, in a split-second of madness, you decided to throw your 360 controller straight into. No, this is not the aftermath of drunken, hu...

0 out of 0 found this review helpful.

Reviews for all three pieces of DLC 0

Operation: AnchorageFallout 3 was one of the best games of 2008. Even after eighty hours of play it’s a difficult task to find everything there is to do in the Capital Wasteland, so it’s nice to see Bethesda are working on downloadable content to extend the playtime even further. Operation: Anchorage is the first of three packs of DLC being released over the next few months, and it takes the game in a distinctive, new direction. But is that a good thing? Especially if you’re going to be spending...

1 out of 1 found this review helpful.

You'd definitely hear me scream in space 0

EA has decided to buck the trend this year; a company so used to spewing out sequels is now concentrating on starting new franchises, and EA Redwood Shores latest, Dead Space, has all the ingredients to become another big hit. With an animated comic book and animated movie already released, the markers have been firmly set; now it’s time for the game to deliver. So far, it’s on the right track. So few survival horror games throw you into space to fight aliens, that’s normally action territory; a...

5 out of 5 found this review helpful.

Heading back to war 0

Activision have such fun releasing sequels each year that they’ve even coined their own term for it, annualisation. Shocking, I know; but because of this, development on Call of Duty has been split between both Infinity Ward and Treyarch, allowing for a two year development time for each team. Infinity Ward had massive success with Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare last year, so now it’s time for Treyarch to step up and deliver after the disappointing Call of Duty 3 two years ago. Enter Call of Dut...

0 out of 0 found this review helpful.

Totally rad, dude 0

For years the Tony Hawk franchise was the king of skateboarding games. With a plethora of titles spread across every platform available, and no competition in sight, it seemed as though its dominance would keep spreading for years to come. But competition is healthy; developers can no longer sit on their laurels and continue to spew out sequels year after year; they need to innovate and push the genre to its limits to keep the crowds coming in. EA Black Box did just that with their 2007 title, S...

0 out of 0 found this review helpful.

Blossoming onto the PSN 0

Flower opens up to a vast concrete jungle; giant, steel skyscrapers tower overhead, while massive cranes continue to build upon this ever expanding man-made metropolis. At ground level cars bustle by to the hasty speed of city life, and the only sound to be heard is that of thunderous construction work and the power of a V8 engine. For many it will evoke emotions of stress - a disrupter of peace and relaxation. A stark contrast to everything Flower is. It may take place in this dark, gloomy, co...

0 out of 0 found this review helpful.

The decline continues 0

From videogame icon to faltering, gimmicky, uninspired mess; Sonic has had it rough since the jump to 3D. He’s got his head in the gutter, disgraced, with few fans left - it doesn’t look good. The last iteration, Sonic: Unleashed, provided a glimse of hope in these dark days with its day sections offering everything Sonic should be; fast and exciting - an exhilarating thrill ride, to say the least. But when the sun went down the werehog cropped up and ruined everything with its clunky combat and...

1 out of 1 found this review helpful.

A blast from the past! 0

Ah, the WWF; I have some fond memories of the World Wrestling Federation, back in the day before that panda got involved and it was re-branded the WWE. Back when lunchtime at school consisted of holding wrestling tournaments and upsetting the teachers. Back before the majority of us grew out of watching sweaty men in leotards fight each other for a ‘golden’ belt and The Rock jumped over to the world of film and the subsequent release of a not-so-great Doom movie. Yep, those were the good old day...

0 out of 0 found this review helpful.

Metal Up Your Ass 0

With more Guitar Hero games than Metallica albums, the Hall of Fame inductees are long overdue their own plastic-instrument-rock-a-thon. Activison took a little bit of a holier than thou approach with their only other single-band title, Guitar Hero: Aerosmith; so fans of the biggest metal act in the world will be hoping this isn’t just another cash-cow and provides a product worthy of the band and the full whack price tag. From the get-go it’s clear to see that a lot of effort has been put in t...

4 out of 4 found this review helpful.