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The Most Wasted Franchise in the History of Gaming

Nintendo, said it didn't need online, that you didn't need online play to have fun. For the most part, they were right, the Wii sold amazingly to the surprise of many, including me. Where they were wrong in all this was, they had one off gaming more successful franchise ever, Pokemon. When the Wii came out, Pokemon wasn't at its prime but was at the point that it needed a boost, like Mario received 3D. What did Pokemon need? simple, the one thing Nintendo "didn't need", online! I can find very few people, almost none, that would disagree that Pokemon could possibly destroy even WoW if it was online. For years we captured and raised our pokemon for what? To fight! All we ever wanted to do what fight them against are friends and people around the world. When the current generation consoles were announced, all you heard from gamers was Pokemon MMO, over and over, but Nintendo shot all that done when they said the Wii wasn't going online. Looking back at it now, Nintendo let a Juggernaut die out  and become just a well known hand-held game.  I think there love for Mario doesn't want to let Mario fall from #1, but Pikachu at one point was more known then even Mario. Nintendo will never have to bite there words because the Wii didn't fail. But were all left with the "what if", Where would be now if the Wii had a Pokemon MMO? It would change the direction of many games fighting Pokemon for gamers attention. In my opinion it would have taken this generation by storm. Nintendo would win this war easily. What do you guys think?