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Trans-Pacific Trip Gaming

I've flown from the US to Australia so many times now it's practically second nature, but it's such a long way you have to fill the time. Mediocre Jack Black movies only get you so far, so I suggest taking a few games with you. Here are the tops of the two or three dozen I generally employ, though a majority of those are on my iPhone.

List items

  • Fantastic port, quality music, replay value is super high. May be the best version of this game for no other reason than you can put it in your pocket.

  • I was encouraged by the return of the harder Japanese battle levels. Winning is harder, and in the long run more satisfying. Really nice polish.

  • A God of War portable that is even better than the first game? Yes please.

  • Catching them all passes a lot of time, and flying over the world's largest ocean is probably a good time to start.

  • Stupidly simple, addictive, free. Well done on all counts, and the only iPhone game that makes the grade.

  • What isn't to love about this? Great game types, fantastic music. You can lose yourself playing it, and not think about your plane going all Lost-style before you land in your port of choice.

  • I enjoy professors. I employ curiosity. I explore villages. This game, by extension, was made for me.

  • Total madness, where some weird Tokyo district is essentially a fantasy setting. It could be a thousand miles or a thousand years from me, it's equally enthralling and immersive.

  • Ok I lied, this is the second iPhone game, and a truly quality franchise. Not higher on the list only because I would prefer the Adventures game on the platform.

  • This is a SCUMMVM game that isn't really playable on the DS, but I love it so much I take it with me anyway. It's as much comfort to me as a warm blanket or my Night Rider sleeping bag. (SHUT UP SLEEPING BAGS FROM 1982 ARE AWESOME.)