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Games for the week of 7/21/08

This week's only purchase, so far, was Final Fantasy IV on the DS. Back on the SNES, this was the first RPG that I just absolutely fell in love with. The characters, the music,

Final Fantasy IV
Final Fantasy IV
gameplay, this game had it all. Plus the ever classic line "You spoony bard". So far FFIV on the DS has retained everything I loved about the original and brought it lovingly into the modern day. They've thrown some fancy 3D in there and have redone the soundtrack to make it even more epic, something I wouldn't have belived possible. The voice acting has brought a few revelations into my world. Like would you belive that Cecil is pronounced CESS-CEL and not SEA-SIL or that Rydia is pronouced RID-IA and not RIDE-IA. This has just blown my mind and changed my entire world veiw. Maybe once I finish the game I'll throw a review up.

Next week I'll probably be picking up Soul Caliber IV. There sure are a lot of "IV"'s coming out lately. More on that next time.

Also, why is it that the text never seems to wrap around these pictures the way you want it to? It would be nice if I could just plop it anywhere in the post that I wanted and the text would wrap aproperately.