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Overrated Xbox 360 Games

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  • I played through this twice, mostly to get all the achievements, but also to see what I missed on the first playthrough. The story is decent, as is the combat system. But I never saw what made people rave about this game. I wanted to like BioShock, really I did. It just didn't suck me in.

  • Why is this game on the list? Because if it scored a 1 out of 10, it would be overrated. It's that bad. The premise had potential, but the gameplay faltered worse than Eddie Murphy since the 80's. The online multiplayer is worse, simply because it would take a small army of exterminators to rid it of all the bugs.

  • This game is a unique entry. Condemened is a great game with a spooky atmosphere. The story is great. The combat is a little clunky, but serviceable. I was disappointed that the game didn't scare me more. It had a few moments at the end, but the hype was so much bigger.

  • File this under the Condemned category. Bad Company 2 is a great game that borders on fantastic. So why does it make the list? Because it's constantly compared to Modern Warfare 2, despite wildly different multiplayer. These are two unique multiplayer games, but all I ever heard is how this game is so much better. It's not better, it's different, which is a good thing. Also the single player campaign is boring.

  • For the life of me, I cannot understand the love this game gets. For starters, I didn't notice anything resembling a story. The quests are repetitive. Do you really need to collect x amount of this after I collected x amount of that? The DLC suffers from the same problems, particularly Moxie. Different guns do not equal variety. It equals longer inventory screens.

  • What the hell? The story is flat out predictable. The combat moves at the speed of a tortoise trapped in quicksand. The villain is a comic book wannabe, who fails so epically that nothing could possibly redeem him. Wesker should worry less about his sunglasses and pull the trigger one of the billion times he has Chris in his sights. And the dialogue is a joke.

  • Too many collectibles. Guards who magically spot me when I'm hidden or stealthy. The story makes up for a lot of this, but for a game built so heavily on stealth, I was forced to spend far too much time in open combat. Also, were there enough collectibles? It took longer to find everything than it did to play the damn game.

  • Recommended by many friends, some have even called it a grown-up version of Legend of Zelda. Not a bad series to emulate, but here's my problem: The developers forgot the best parts of the Zelda series. Halfway through the game, every character has one motive: revenge. Zelda's variety is notably absent as well. This isn't Zelda. Darksiders is a garden variety hack-and-slash that tries to be Zelda.