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I'm a doctor, so this GOTY list for 2013 is the best one.

As a doctor, I am the most qualified to answer the important question of the season, What are the top 10 games of 2013?

List items

  • I'll go ahead and say that this may be a bit impartial, but I love Zelda. I have always loved Zelda. I will ALWAYS LOVE ZELDA! But the last few Zelda games (spirit tracks and Skyward Sword) left me wanting a return to the Zelda's of my youth. The 2d top down Zelda's have always, in my opinion, been the best. A Link Between worlds returns to that era of gameplay, and at the same time takes leaps and bounds forward in mechanics. With the item rental system and non linear dungeon progression, Hyrule feels a little more open and real. The wall merge mechanic also adds literally a new dimension to the puzzle and combat mechanics.

    With so much content, great gameplay, and a story that really hearkens back to Link to the Past, Link Between Worlds is the game I had the most fun with this year, and is my personal choice for Game of the year 2013.

  • I don't want to say to much about Bioshock Infinite because it is a game you have to experience for yourself. The Sad tale of Booker DeWitt in the sky city of Columbia unfolds like an expertly written novel and plays like a dream. I really enjoyed the new system of pairing a dedicated gun and plasmid button, and the ability to chain and combo plasmids.

    The art and atmosphere of Columbia is what shines the most. Walking into the Fraternal Order of the Raven and seeing that painting of John Wilkes Booth as a saint and Lincoln as a devil still gives me shivers.

    Infinite is a fantastic game, quite possible the best story in a game this year, and deserves to be acknowledged as one of the best of the year.

  • This is the game that made me happy to own a Wii U. Super Mario 3D Land was one of my top games last year, and the follow up does not disappoint. The way each level feels entirely different from the one before it makes the game always feel fresh and new. Plus Cat Mario is the best new mario power up since the Cape in the original Super Mario World.

    CAT MARIO!!!!

  • The Third Street Saints will have a special place in my heart, and their newest outing in a virtual Steelport is my favorite sandbox game of the year. The addition of superpowers piled onto the ever growing ridiculousness of the story made SRIV a must play for me this year.

  • Rogue Legacy was the perfect mix of Metriodvania and rogue-like. The gameplay is tight and excellent. The descendant system was awesome, and I loved the different traits and weaknesses and using them to my advantage. I sunk so many hours into this game and I still haven't beaten NG+. I can only imagine how crazy NG++ will be when I get to it.


    I've loved watching competitive fight games for years, but i'm really not that great when I try myself. I dunno, but I always love trying. With divekick, however, the major barrier of remembering combos and rote input memorization was thrown out the window, and the psychology of a fighting game was put into the forefront. Get your opponent to do something wrong and punish it. Divekick the the best fighting game of 2013.

  • I would kill for a new Advance Wars, but Awakening has filled that spot till then. A great tactical game with a customization and leveling system I can fall down into hard. Plus the "classic" gameplay style where dead units are dead forever makes me think every move and decision out very very carefully. This is the game you need when you want to really use your brain.

  • Take one part Metroidvania and one part Luchadore and get one of the best games of the year. Guacamelee was a great game to play and just unwind. It played great, the controls were flawless, and it really invoked an air of Super Medroid. I loved every second of this game.

  • As the illustrious mayor of TacoBell, I can tell you that Animal Crossing: New Leaf is one of the best games of 2013. With the new ability to be the mayor and customize your town, you have more control than ever to make your perfect town.

    Now if only I could get Lucha, the masked pro wrestler bird to move in.

  • Glory to Arstotzka.

    Papers, Please was billed as a dystopian document thriller, but what I think it is, is the best puzzle game of 2013. The challenge verifying paperwork actually becomes a great brain exercise in recognition, memory and trying to recognize patterns. With amazing replayability trown in, Papers, Please is a must have game for everyone and I can't recommend it enough.