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Top Ten Games of 2016

For the first time in years, I actually played some shooters.

List items

  • Best shooter campaign in years, with flawless gunplay and movement, plus addictive multiplayer. Not since Modern Warfare had I been this into a straight-up FPS.

  • Shocked at how much I loved this game, not just from a gameplay perspective but everything round the edges. Supreme presentation and post-launch support.

  • Generated more laughs out of me than any other game in 2016. I cannot wait to see what IO do next.

  • Fitting send-off for a fantastic series and a great cast of characters. Naughty Dog deserve huge credit for knowing how to end a story, because few do.

  • One of the most unique gaming experiences I have ever had, with an ending that will probably stay with me forever.

  • Not as ambitious as I would have liked, but after so long away I soon forgave it and enjoyed it for what it was. An incredible technical showcase, and the guns feel good.

  • Probably the best looking game of the year, and without doubt this generation's "do games now look as good as Toy Story?" moment. The answer is still no, but still.

  • With Burnout as good as gone forever, this is just about the only racing series that does anything for me anymore. A huge step up from Horizon 2, with great online.

  • Call me shallow but this was what I always wanted from this series. Made it extremely fun and breezy to mow down the undead horde, and loved the Christmas setting.

  • In terms of hours played, this is top of the list. Rekindled my inner child like nothing else. But it ruined my holiday, so it cannot be any higher.