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Best of 2010

deadward: Best of 2010

List items

  • I have a really active friends list for all of the Pinball FX / Zen pinball games going back to when they started, and they really knocked it out of the park with this one. the leaderboard and friends integration is top notch, and the boards are great as well.

  • Mass Effect 2 was better that the first in only that it is WAY more playable, great story, great presentation of said story, and a the Bioware touch that I'm a sucker for, but also a decent shooter to boot

  • So much fun,and rewards mastery of the battle system in ways that many modern "character action" games don't. I loved it

  • I seem to be a sucker for Zelda-ish games.. I loved Okami and 3D dot game heroes, so Darksiders was right up my alley. I pretty much dug everything about this game and I'll be first in line for part 2

  • I am, by nature, not much of a multi-player guy. I tend to stick to single-player games almost exclusively or play alone if I have a choice, but BFBC 2 grabbed me multi-player and wouldn't let go. I sunk an ungodly amount of time into this game, it has to be on the list

  • I normally don't like Rockstar games... or maybe I should say I don't like GTA, because I loved RDR and Bully. Whatever it is about GTA that turns me off is not there in RDR. I just picked up the undead nightmare pack and I can;t wait to get back into it.

  • So my list includes games I played this year, as opposed to games that came out this year... sue me.

    I played through Eternal Sonata twice this year, and loved every second of it.

  • YESSSSSSSSS. Pac-Man CE DX is so good! I don't know how they managed to make Pac-Man so much fun again the first time, but they really knocked it out of the park with DX.

  • I still can't explain why, but I really really liked Nier. I still keep coming back to it now.

  • If not for NFS: Hot Pursuit, this would still be my go-to racing game for the year. Super fun tracks and a good arcadey driving model that I really enjoyed