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2013 Top Ten: Budget Edition

On a cold December night, sick and plagued by insomnia, I finally get around to listing my ten favorite games I played throughout the year of 2013. However, considering I'm not particularly wealthy, the list will be limited to year-old or indie games-- anything that's not $60 here in the United States. The games are not listed in the order of how much I like them, they are ordered by how I would recommend them for people who are concerned about money. Everything after 10 is an honorable mention.

I will also be listing the lowest price listings I'd seen for the game during this year.

List items

  • Lowest Price: $6 (Steam)

    Not many games like this one out there.

    It's not unfair or punishing like some would have you believe. It just doesn't treat you like the world revolves around you.

    The online in this game is (again) like nothing else.

  • Lowest Price: $5 (Amazon)

    Pure and endless joy.

    Lotsa replayability and oddly compelling.

  • Lowest Price: Free (PS+)

    Flawed Gem. Not everyone would like this game... But it was a free. I would have recommended people to purchase a membership for this game, alone. Even buying a year membership ($50) for this game alone would be under full price, not to mention the other benefits. Buying this game without the membership is STILL below full price. Very little reason not to get this game if you're looking for a good, albeit occasionally frustrating, western-influenced RPG.

  • Lowest Price: $20 (Amazon)

    My favorite game of all time...

    Except it's portable, with more content, and has better graphics and better pacing.

    Would be #1 if not for the fact that it requires a Vita to play. (I mean, the reason I didn't play this game until mid-2013 is 'cause I had to borrow a friend of a friend's Vita, with whom I had never once spoken...)

  • Lowest Price: $5 (Included all other XCOM games, Amazon Bundle)

    Addictive as it is punishing.

    Great replay-value and boasts a pretty insane amount of depth.

  • Lowest Price: $9 (Steam)

    Have recommended this game quite a bit. But every time I talk about it with somebody else, I feel like we're talking about two different games. It's a nice social experience.

  • Lowest Price: $15 (PSN...Sorry I don't check PSN very often..)

    I honestly don't know if I will ever experience something similar to what this game has to offer. But because the online was so vital to my experience, and I don't know anything about the current state of playing Journey online, I hesitate to recommend this as much as I did back in January.

  • Lowest Price: $15 (Steam)

    Suuuree it's technically not even released at the time of my writing this, but it's a $15 Terraria in space.

  • Lowest Price: $10 (Steam)

    When I recommend this game, I tell people to treat it like a movie. It's about the price of a movie, and it's about as long as a movie. It's just not terrible like a lot of movies are nowadays.

  • Lowest Price: $7.50 (Steam)

    Pretty. And pretty interesting story.

    The execution is what makes this game worth getting

  • Lowest Price: Free

    Didn't have the time to really get into it, but it seems really neat. Also, free.

  • Lowest Price: $3.40

    Hear fantastic things about this game, and it seems right up my alley... Dunno how I got to the end of the year without at least trying it.

  • Lowest Price: $25

    Don't know too much about this game, but I am intrigued. Which is a lot for me to say about a game considering how jaded I am.

  • Lowest Price: $10

    I've seen gameplay of this game. That's enough for me to recommend this.

  • Lowest Price: $60

    The only full price game this year that I would heartily recommend. But it was full price, therefore, could not make it onto this list.