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  • DeadActionJones posted a message on the post UPF - 05/13/22.

    I had to wait MONTHS to figure out what was said during the final fight in the Super Broly movie because it was 1 night only and people were yelling so loud that you couldnt hear the movie. so i fucki...

  • DeadActionJones posted a message on the post UPF 02/04/22.

    @nodima the moment in question happened during the spooky warioware game. kinda hard to miss.

  • DeadActionJones posted a message in the forum topic The Community Spotlight 2022.02.05. on the General Discussion board

    OOooo YEah.

  • DeadActionJones posted a message on the post ALBUMMER! 22: Macho Man's "Be a Man".

    Best episode ever. the end was so great.

  • DeadActionJones posted a message on the post Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six Extraction.

    @mattmanmcfee36 its more like GTFO when things get loud it gets bad. but its been a lot of fun to play with friends.

  • DeadActionJones posted a message on the post Reel Layers Ep. 102 - The Apology: I messed up.

    This is still terrible.

  • DeadActionJones posted a message on the post Reel Layers Ep. 101 - Twister’s Hidden Protest.

    This is SUPER not for me.

  • DeadActionJones posted a message on the post ALBUMMER! 11: Sting & Shaggy.

    The thing that messes me up the most about this album is that shaggy's name is above sting and vice versa on the album cover.

  • DeadActionJones posted a message in the forum topic When will COVID-19 end by?. on the Off-Topic board

    Before Halflife 3 is released.

  • DeadActionJones posted a message on the post Fool Me Once - Borne to Run #05.

    I think I have hit the point of being tired of the "jump to random game to fill time joke."

  • DeadActionJones posted a message on the post The Very Online Show 01: The old beach meme and the M. Night Shyamalan paradox.

    I feel like an episode about Chris chan at some point would be the perfect thing for a very online show to have. the trainwreck you cant look away from.

  • DeadActionJones posted a message on the post Phalanx For the Lovely Knight - Borne to Run #02.

    Is it too late to change the name of this series to "Borne to Innit" XD ? It was said so often that Tamoor has started to pull the word out of Danny in this episode I was cracking up.

  • DeadActionJones posted a message on the post E3 2021: Sea of Thieves Has Pirates Now... of the Caribbean.

    This is my highlight of e3.

  • DeadActionJones posted a message on the post A Relaxed Friday Stream - 05/21/21.

    I was unable to pay attention to anything jeff was saying during the keyboard segment due to that "they were up they were up they were down they were down" little kid song. If you wanna take that one ...

  • DeadActionJones posted a message on the post Episode 311.

    I love you all.

  • DeadActionJones posted a message on the post 08/24/2018.

    I may never figure out what the name of the song is from the beginning of this episode is but i hope someday i do. XD Everyone is just loud enough that when the chorus kicks in i cant quite make out ...

  • DeadActionJones posted a message on the post Episode 302.

    If anyone has seen the ancestry warren thing. I NEED that in my life. Thank you in advance.

  • DeadActionJones followed Premium Podcasts .