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3D You're doing it wrong. Hear me bitch about Clash of the Titans

 Hi there. 
I'm not here to review the whole movie, just to comment on the implementation of 3D. Maybe some minor spoilers ahead if you haven't seen the movie or any of the trailers.
I remember the good old days when 3D was a pointless gimmick with people randomly throwing stuff like frisbees at the screen. Amazing if you're a 5 year old boy, not so much if you're an adult. Now when Avatar was announced I was incredibly sceptical. When the movie came out though, it was like a breath of fresh air. The movie was filmed in 3D from the start and as a result the final product looked absolutely stunning. Suddenly I was interested in 3D again. 
After Avatar it seemed like every Hollywood exec out there was jizzing his pants at the very thought of 3D. I knew it wouldn't be long until we would see the next 3D CG epic. And sure enough, Clash of the Titans got delayed by over a month so they could convert the 2D print into a 3D version. This process is apparently significantly cheaper than filming the entire thing in 3D from the get-go, but as it turns out, it also looks like crap. 
The entire time I was watching the movie I felt that the 3D added absolutely nothing to the whole experience. It always felt a bit off and in the end the added depth perception was only useful to see more of the ridiculous fake beards sported by almost all the male actors. The first time Hades shows up he unleashes his flying bat creatures on a couple of soldiers. This was also the first time I got to see just how bad the 3D in this movie was. The creatures fly pretty fast and in the end, all I saw were these black blurry things with bat-like wings buzzing around the screen. Even during the final battle where they fly slower and we get some more close-up shots of them I could barely see what they looked like. Eventually I stopped trying to see what they looked like when I started getting a headache and took my 3D glasses off for a while.
Now compare this scene to the epic final battle in Avatar where there are literally dozens of flying creatures and hovercrafts on screen at the same time, as well as some major explosions. There is WAY more going on and it's all moving just as fast, but it all looks beautiful and very clean.
If you're not willing to invest in filming in 3D from the start, please don't convert your film afterwards. Because it will just end up looking horrible. And the notion that 3D= more money is quite ridiculous if you ask me. Just look at Wolverine which was a very similar dumb action movie that opened around the same time last year to lukewarm reviews and still managed to pull in twice as much cash in its opening week as Clash, even with cheaper tickets.

Hugs and kisses,