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Games and Franchises I have to come to terms with NEVER playing or finishing?

I'm quitting gaming. I was going to do that a long time ago. PAX 2020 was supposed to be the last hoorah. Then COVID happened and continuing to play games at home made sense. So i played a ton of games (you can find that list on the site). They were fun but not fulfilling (were they ever more than staying abreast of trends in technology) because games, for me, are just poor approximations of reality (sports games and mechanic simulator) and fanciful worlds that honestly don't capture my interest (truth is stranger than fiction). I plan on playing and finishing about 51 games over the next 200 days. In doing so i looked at my list of games and realized that i would have to come to terms with never beating certain franchises. I will never take the time to play Celeste or get good at another fighting game. That's okay. The Witcher, Rainbow Six, and Syphony of the Night are just never going to be beaten. And that's fine to. I wanted to create this list to eulogize those franchises so if i catch myself hearing about how great they are on some podcast (i'm not required to quit listening to podcast because they might bring up some games that i'm loving on my list of 51 so those are still in play) but no longer will i wonder how Blue Dragon plays and get excited about the day i will play. It's just no going to happen. Here is the list. Over time i will order the list based on what i have the most regret for. Currently that is Super Meat Boy but who knows as this list grows and grows something may take it's place.

List items

  • I don't like how Nintendo conducts business. Period. Whether it's online play or their pricing schemes there is just nothing that they do that makes me happy. Other than animal crossing. This game really got me in the feels. I remember sitting in Golden Corral (remember them) and running into KK Slider on a saturday performing a gig in the basement of a restaurant. It was in that moment that i realized a couple of things as i sat down at my virtual chair . 1) What was i actually doing with my real life? 2) Do i stop to smell the roses like my avatar was doing? 3)This game had transcended games and taught me more about life than any other videogame ever had through it's chores and i'll call it friend 'maintenance.' It wasn't a direct application from things in this game to my life but more of me understanding that there's an unwritten list (unlike the written code in animal crossing) of things to do and experience in real life and the quicker i figured that out the better off i would be. I don't know how i came to animal crossing. It could have been anything. It's why i celebrate gamestop and bemoan our digital future because i got the idea or funds from somewhere to first play this on my gamecube. I had an experience in that Golden Corral on my DS. I really haven't been back since. The games are the same experience and i'll be damned if I get a switch to play a game that truly need not do anything different. It's already shown me enough.

  • 19 years, count em, of me never finishing this game after countless opportunities. N64 games are just not good and do not hold up. Even the ones with edgy dialogue. i did myself a favor and watched the ending on youtube. I was saving myself for marriage for too long. Good riddance.

  • I really hate the business model that Capcom went with for this game. I've played the spit out of some street fighter. Knowing that characters and skins would be microtransacted away from me i have just stayed away. Fighting games in general are done for me. It hasn't been a couch co-op affair this decade, anyway. But there's no point in learning characters or buying another fighting game. Not a single fighting game made my list for last games... with reason.

  • I think got this game as part of the games with gold. The repetition of the music as you fail and fail really drilled the music in my head. Rather than master playing the game i'd like to master whistling some of the songs. It is just too long and too complicated. I could put Celeste on this list but i really never made any progress through the game so I would have some serious attachment issues if i cared about that game that soon. Watching speed runs on awesome games done quick had me imagining sitting on the couch in some random hotel in a year or 2 with my skills for this game or another well in place. I will never get to that level and there's damn sure no way i could speak intelligently and perform at the same time. Goodbye Meat Boy.

  • I don't think a game ever made me more intrigued for adult themes. The animation was brilliant and it was the main reason i picked up Persona 5 (also on this list). The problem with this game is that since it's a puzzle game i reached a wall. I couldnt beat the level so i quit the game. A couple years later i came back to the game to make another attempt. No dice. This loop has repeated itself to the point where i got the new catherine game released for the ps4. I just couldnt be bothered to figure out the mechanics when i've got real world mechanical engineering problems to solve. No thanks for fantasy homework. I should just watch all the videos on youtube. But i guess there's always that hope that i would finish the game organically. Well that's not going to happen.

  • I was so anti-ps4 at the onset of this generation that bought a PS3 and a copy of this game just so i wouldnt have some spreadsheet represent ps4 sales with +1. This game was not played until COVID 19. This games entire trophy list comes during COVID. I will be curious to look back one day and reflect on how fearful i was during all this and playing a game that i grew to hate was the best way i saw of keeping my sanity and getting through it all. I came to Persona 5 by way of Catherine st. No regrets. About 120 hours in and a ton of frustration with unbeatable bosses. No regrets on anything because it lead to me playing some really dope games. But this was were i started with my coping mechanism. I leave it be.

  • Part of the reason i'm donating my games to the goodwill and not getting a $1.50 from gamestop is because i think being broke and coming to a limited number of games is the best way to appreciate games. If i were in my teens during this age i would be overwhelmed by the amount of games that my parents probably owned and friends would just have lying around that i wouldnt know where to start. However if i just had a couple of games Viva Pinata might be that game. I love Sim games and I love games like animal crossing. I actually played about 5 minutes of this game because i just wasnt in the mood to learn the system. I wonder what goodness it has. Too bad we can't donate digital items because i only have this on digital.

  • I hear this game is bloated. I hear the game's aesthetic is great. I truly just don't have time for the trial and error runs that this game purportedly requires. I've never seen the movies so i guess there's no true loss.

  • I played this game along with Nuclear Strike as a kid. I recently bought Jungle Strike so i could have the compete collection. I just don't have time to play these games. Because if i play 1 i need to play the other 2. I had a great time playing this on the playstation as a kid and i kind of wish they did boutique purchases for the PSOne Classic where you could order the games that you wanted pre-loaded on to the system. That might be something i pass down to my unborn kids. As it stands there will probably be some emulator that the can use to play and dismiss this on baby's first iPad.

  • I've never finished a Resident Evil. I thought i liked the franchise. Well i liked it enough to see all the movies.

  • With the way they released this game i can't be sure if i own it or not. I guess it depends if my Live is current or if im logged in. I'm done. I think i played a mission where the target smoked weed or something. It was cool but this is another franchise that i need to not care about if there's a new release.

  • There is absolutely a chance that i don't quit gaming. I think i need to start reading survival guides and what plants are edible if COVID really pops off and society breaks down so a videogame aint going to really help there (though if you look at my other list for games i intend to play you might call it prepping). So if i dont quit playing games I will probably play Far Cry 6. I think i'm still listening to podcasts so i will probably care about Far Cry 6. I have to stop gaming at some point. The defibrillator probably malfunctions with videogames in my future nursing home.

  • I played Rogue Squadron on my gamecube back in the day and loved it. Plane combat is cool in VR (i really like Infinite Warfare) but it really hasn't changed much and is just circle strafing. There's a ton of other star wars game i'll never play like jedi academy, or either of the kotors. Oh well.

  • I hate computers. I have to use a computer for work. I really would like to never have another log-in or password for the rest of my life. So i needed a computer for school so i bought a computer. I could have bought a high-end rig (which i just remember i did... so dumb) but i needed a laptop. I bought one that could really only play this game. I never really got into it. It is the game that definitively know i own. Most of my other PC games i can't be so sure which system if it was on steam.. etc. I outgrew rollercoaster tycoon and simcity. I was never into the Sims. I think i got my money's worth with this game but ill never know. My favorite tv show is COPs (rip) and i'm always intrigued by how people can do more than 11 minutes in jail but somehow they do (for context, COVID has only been going on about 4 months and i'm free to move about the cabin. Behave folks and stay away from drugs.)

  • This was a games with gold. So i don't feel too bad about not finishing it. It's a very celebrated game but i hate 2D platformers. The game is a meme. Backlogs are a meme. I'm done

  • I guess I own the game. I guess it's hard. I guess i'll never know.

  • During the onset of COVID I proposed various schemes to keep my sanity. On was to beat all of the lego games. I was thrilled to find out that Jurassic Park and Jurassic World were represented in this game that i bought on sale in the off chance that i'd have to keep some girl's kid distracted. Dark times. I'm intrigued by the new Lego Star Wars collection that's coming down the pipeline but i really dont need ever touch another lego game. They are trash.

  • I played enough to get the game's soundtrack drilled into my head. That's all i remember from this game. That and terrible mini-games.

  • Fifa is harder than Dark Souls. 'nuff said.