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4.0 stars

Average score of 3 user reviews

Massive disappointment 0

I wasn't too happy about the debut trailers, but the GB quick looks looked fun so I decided to try it out. Now... The demo was pretty neat, but it didn't have the horrible Deadly Descent levels where you try to survive stuff. You'll have to race in a volcano that's dark and full of lava filled crevises, you'll have to sip oxygen from an airtank to not black out! That sounds pretty EXTREEEEEME, but after the tenth time you jump into a bottomless pit you realize why they had to incorporate the rew...

0 out of 1 found this review helpful.

Arcade perfection 0

I absolutely sucked in the original After Burner and really didn't get it. Now it has come to the new generation with some improvements. So how is it?  OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOHHGOOOOOOODWHATSTHATJESUSCHRISTZOOOOOMWHOOSBANG!  It's arcade perfection. Easy to learn, impossible to master but a lot of fun. In addition to missiles and machine guns there's the Climax mode, which is pretty much Bullet Time. It helps a little but doesn't break the game.  There's the basic arcade "story" mode and  a basic time a...

0 out of 6 found this review helpful.

Heavy 0

One thing that really makes this one better than the other RB/GH games is the band itself. Metallica is huge and pretty much everyone has heard a lot of these songs so It's easier to get a singer on this than, for example, some pretty much unknown alternative pop or spanish stuff. Also this has all the instruments whereas the Aerosmith version had only guitar and bass.The songs are hard but not that hard and the production value is great. At best the on-stage antics look like a real live perform...

0 out of 1 found this review helpful.