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#1  Edited By Daverix

Finally! Have waited a long time on the linux version! :D But lately been very busy with the Heroes of Newerth beta! More games to Linux! :)

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#2  Edited By Daverix

It would be great if GiantBomb could support OpenID! OpenID is a authentication protokoll that uses URLs to give you your own ID. The big companies already has support for OpenID (Google, Yahoo, Microsoft) and also some blogs have support for it (Wordpress, Livejournal) and the number is growing.

It works like this:

  1. You input your OpenID url on giantbomb (or press a button with some brand like Google for example)
  2. You are sent to your OpenID provider's site (or it opens in a popup, developers choice)
  3. You tell the OpenID provider that's it OK to login to giantbomb with your OpenID.
  4. You get redirected back to giantbomb and is now logged in.
If you set the OpenID provider that it should remember your choice if giantbomb should use your OpenID you can just login in with your OpenID and get logged in directly as you are already logged in to your OpenID provider!

I think it would be really great to have this on giantbomb as I have accounts on so many places and with OpenID I only need to remember my password for my OpenID instead of all those sites!

- Daverix