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April fool = D-day for Internet users *warning*

Latest Conficker worm was activated on April 1 as predicted but fortunately [or unfortunately ] so far the worm has not caused any havoc or severe difficulty for already infected computers .

During the first hours of April fool’s day Conficker C ‘s master computer gained control of 5 million infected computers (zombie PC ) but as of now the worm’s author has not attempted to upload any form of data to the infected computers .

Unlike general public ‘s initial thought , “Conficker C “ never harms the victim’s HDD or delete any file for that matter . However , security experts said “Conficker's motive is probably financial, The worm's author could steal financial information, shut down Web pages, track keystrokes or send spam from infected computers. In other word They have full administrative-level rights to run anything they want on all of the infected machines “

The worm’s author has probably decided to keep a low profile due to the heavy surveillance that is currently being held by thousands of computer experts around the globe but we probably will see more worm related issues in coming weeks or months .

“Computer and Internet users should not panic “ said an expert  “The easiest way for computer users to see if they're infected is to try to access Windows updates from  If you can reach the site and if your system updates are working, it is unlikely your computer is infected” he said.

As many of you already know the worm is primarily designed for Microsoft Windows and mac users are completely immune to the attack .

The worm uses the zombie machines to generate 50,000 URLs in a single day and thus make itself impossible to track . 

The Washington Post mocked the situation saying  "Londoners woke up to find the iconic clock tower Big Ben stopped at precisely one minute till midnight," Brian Krebs wrote. "The British tabloids blared that the giant timepiece had been felled by the Conficker worm."  and ends the statement with: "In case you haven't guessed it yet, APRIL FOOLS!!!"