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The VGAs are not good.

I like Video Games. I like Comic Books, I like Anime, I like Manga, I like Films, I like Music and I even like books. But to me games are no 1, pure and simple. Video games are able to bring out a type of passion in me that no other art form can. The thing is being that passionate about games means you end up shitting on games that don't really deserve it, for example, I did not like the majority of Portal 2. I think that the second part of that let us see behind the curtain way too much and removed the secretive nature of the first game. Also I don't find those games funny.

But even though I have those problems with the game I still think it is a fucking amazing game. The fact that my main problem with the game isn’t a basic level criticism of “the shooting suck balls” means that is should be given praise. That is where my problem with the VGAs come from. When I was done with the show I didn’t feel like my favourite art form was being applauded in any way, I felt like it had been made fun of.

The sad thing is they got it right for about five minutes. There was a great montage of the Zelda games, Shigeru Miyamoto came on stage to a standing ovation. Even now thirty minutes into this terrible excuse of a show, that seems only to exist for Gametrailers to get "exclusive" trailers, there was some kind of hope that the final awards of the night would have some kind of decency in them.

Then Charlie Sheen watched Robert Bowling from Infinity Ward be be chased off stage by a man dressed in cameo. The same man then proceeded to "Teabag" another developer. THIS HAPPENED TWICE! IN ONE SHOW! Adam Sandler would look at that and say, "Hey shouldn't we not repeat the same joke twice in one show?" But no this is what the gamers want. I can just feel the good vibes.