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I should blog more often

Quite simply I don't blog enough. 
you see i twitter quite a lot about video games for example (If you don't understand twitter time goes up the page)

  1. The Deadly Premonition soundtrack is making sad about the fact I can't whistle
  2. Also Gamefreak, stop usind the same sound effects from red and green in your games.
  3. Gamefreak, make a Pokemon MMO already.
  4. Namco Bandi/ Bandi Namco, you should erm... I can't remember the last time I played one of your games.
  5. Capcom you really should make another Darkstalkers game. Or you could just redraw Morrigan in the not so secret Marvel vs capcom 3.
  6. Kojima you just make your godamn movie already
  7. Team Sonic, you just give up.
  8. Same goes to you Square, fuck the fans all they want is FF VII.
  9. Nintendo, ignore your fans. Don't go for realistic graphics in your next Zelda game! Learn that fans are idiots that only want OoT.    
see all relevant.  
erm yes so this new quest thing is cool. made me remake my profile background.