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Average score of 2 user reviews

If you like survival horror you will almost definitely like AMY. 2

I'll start off by saying that I've played many different survival horror games, from Silent Hill, Resident Evil (1-3 & CVX) and Countdown Vampires to Parasite Eve, Clock Tower 1-2, and Nightmare Creatures 2. I've gained quite the taste for these types of games, and that's what AMY struck me as when I watched the trailer and tech demo. I usually hate escort missions and the like where you have to protect someone for an extended period of time, but AMY looked different to me, I think because t...

1 out of 5 found this review helpful.

The Witcher 2 - What a Journey! 3

Let me start by saying that I find The Witcher 2: Assassins of Kings to be superior to The Witcher in almost every way. One minor annoyance drug on with me through the entire game. When I first played The Witcher shortly after it came out in 2007, I fell in love with this series. I had desperately hoped there was going to be a sequel to The Witcher, and when I heard the news about a sequel, suffice it to say, I was excited. I was in a very long anxious wait for it to release, and it exceede...

9 out of 11 found this review helpful.