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New Review!

Finally had time to write a review.  I put up my opinion on Killzone 1.  I hope tomorrow to be able to review P.B. Winterbottom.  Possibly be able to put up Chime.
Hope you like.


"Life, Don't Talk to Me About Life..."

So, yeah, I got *really* busy shortly after posting that first, and only blog post.
I expect to have a little more time in the next few months.  So I will be posting my impressions of Killzone as well as P.B. Winterbottom very soon.
Still, expect a somewhat negative Killzone 1 review, and a middling-high P.B. Winterbottom review.


This Blog

I know that this initial blog post is terrible.  But I thought I would still put up a quick note telling you what I intend on using this space for:
1) Letting you, whomever you might be, know what games I'm playing and therefore let you know what reviews you are likely to see from me.
2) Going into more depth (mostly spoiler areas) on the games that I have finished.  I am trying to avoid the wall of text problem that many reviewers have (especially with RPG's), so having this platform to go into depth on one or two points of a game that I avoided for brevity on the review will be placed here.
Anyway, to kick this horrible initial blog post off I'm playing the following titles:
Killzone 2
Eternal Sonata for the Xbox 360
I would suspect that I will be done with Killzone in the next week or so.  Unless something drastic happens this late in the game be prepared for a relatively negative review.