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Another Barbarian Banging His Head (Inferno Act 2)

Disclaimer: I realize this blog post will probably sound like a bunch of whining and moaning, but don't get me wrong: I fucking love Diablo III. I realize it's a game about grinding, loot, and banging your head at the Inferno difficulty. However, since my head is getting fucking sore from all the banging I'd like to get some feedback on where things are going wrong for me.

Right now I can pretty much faceroll all the way through Act 1 on Inferno. Hell, earlier today I was chasing a Treasure Goblin halfway through the dungeon just before the Butcher, and after killing the Goblin I had zero issues with the 200+ mobs that had followed me including two elite groups. I then continue to kill the Butcher in under 30 seconds. Clearly I'm heavily outgearing the place, which is also obvious by the loot I'm getting. Hell, most of the loot is for levels 51-57. It's just not getting me anywhere, except money, at this point.

So naturally I'm thinking the next step should be Act 2. I've heard the horror stories, I've peeked inside a few times in there earlier, but this is seriously mindblowing. I've managed to take down two elite groups while rushing from checkpoint to checkpoint, and that was after dying 10+ times and blowing everything I had on them. One important note about my gear however is that I have no one-handed weapon with +Life on Hit, and many are saying that's more or less a must for melee classes on Inferno.

I'll provide three screenshots of my stats in the following order: Unbuffed, Self-Buffed (not using long cooldowns, just shouts), and Self-Buffed + the Enchantress buffs which is my follower when playing solo.

Self-Buffed + Follower Buffs
Self-Buffed + Follower Buffs

In short, when I play alone I'm buffed with the third picture's stats constantly. This is not including cooldown buffs and "oh shit"-talents. Here's my full spec. A few notes on this spec:

  • The two main offenders are clearly Battle Rage and Ruthless. However, I feel those are more or less needed to boost my DPS enough.
  • The two lacking skills are clearly Threatening Shout (with Falter) and Superstition. See above reason to not having those.

What, if anything, would you personally change with my spec? Should I just sacrifice my DPS for increased survive-ability? As I see it I have the following options:

  1. Grind Butcher runs for money to use on the AH, basically confirming that I need Act 3 gear to be able to do Act 2.
  2. Just get a +Life on Hit weapon, it really makes a huge difference.
  3. Respec in some way that will magically let me do Act 2.
  4. Keep bashing my head against Act 2, I've just been unlucky with elite group traits.

I have two friends that I've been playing together with, and trying to bring them with me only makes matters worse. The mobs are a force of GODS that eventually hits enrage timers on us. So even worse is that I can't play through the Act 2 solo; I can't even play with my friends anymore.

Feedback is very appreciated, and sorry again if I come off as whiny.