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An Update on Life in General

So here I am, bored to death at work, and figured I'd write a little blog on this and that.

Work You Say? You Always Complain that You're Broke!

Yeah, I do! In fact, I've been more or less broke for the past 7 months. I just recently got employed by a former boss of mine at his record store. The pay sucks ass, and I barely get any hours. Pretty much just enough to survive and pay them bills. On a brighter side I'm finally trying to take studying serious, as I'm fucking tired of jumping from job to job, which is often the case when you work in retail. So if everything goes as planned I'll get a degree in Programming, starting this autumn.

Cool, Cool. So, What Have You Been Playing?

Mostly Binding of Isaac nonstop, and before that I had a few weeks of Diablo 3. Binding of Isaac is truly an amazing game, especially at that price. Right now I've put around 130 hours into it, and I still have some odd achievements left to do before I put it aside.

Diablo 3 was awesome for the short amount of time I played it. Granted, I put well over 100 hours into it, but a feeling of disappointment still reared its ugly head. I never really played the two first games, but since some old WoW mates were planning on putting some time into D3 I joined them. Yeah, it was fun while it lasted, but I haven't logged in for 2 weeks and I doubt that will change anytime soon.

Speaking of WoW; playing and talking with my former guild-buddies made me realize how much I missed WoW. I started playing during the very first open beta before the game was originally released, and I kept playing up until the end of Wrath of the Lich King. By that point heavy fatigue had set in, and even hardcore raiding didn't help. Log in > do dailies > stare at screen for hours until raid started > loot > repeat. So I bid farewell, and in hindsight it was probably a good idea. Something that's more interesting to me right now is the talk about Blizzard's next MMO; Project Titan. Personally I wouldn't mind WoW 2, but since that doesn't seem to be the case I'll probably be happy with whatever setting they choose. If there's one game that will scratch my MMO itch it's most likely Project Titan, it's just a shame that Blizzard are so tight lipped about it.

Aha, is This Our Chance?

While playing D3 and Isaac I've been having the Persona 4 endurance run running in the background. This is my fifth time I'm watching that thing (although I'm not exactly watching it this time, it serves more as background noise), and I've been thinking a lot about Persona 5 and how Giant Bomb will handle the release of it.

Will we see another endurance run featuring Jeff and Vinny? Not bloody likely. Will we see maybe some special live quick look showing of it? Who knows! I'm certain that Jeff and the others are well aware of the impact their original endurance run had on the site and its viewers, and to somewhat ignore the sequel's release is not something I'd bet they would do.

Atlus is, annoyingly enough, following Blizzard's footsteps of not revealing any information whatsoever, and frankly it's getting a bit tiresome. Will it be a Sony exclusive? Or even worse; a handheld-exclusive? Thankfully they released Catherine to both consoles, so if that's an indicator we'll hopefully see P5 one day for both the Playstation and Xbox. Again, I just wish they would give the fans some more information...anything, really.

Thanks for reading, we'll see when I'll write down my thoughts again.