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Fired Yo

So today I got told I'm working until this Friday, then it's bye-bye. I work in a recordstore, and I've known for a month that the store is closing down in September. I was certain me and my boss had an agreement that I'd work here until the store closes down, but today he told me that this Friday is my last day at work.
Not surprising, just fucking annoying.


Looking To Burn Some Cash

Hey fellow GiantBombers
So I bought my X360 last year (around July), and have steadily been building up a library of games since then. Since I bought my console fairly late I have probably missed out on some of the truly awesome titles over the years. Do you have any pointers of what games I definatly should buy, no questions asked? I've been thinking about Viva Pinata, Viva Pinata: Trouble in Paradise, and the two Gears of War titles. I've also already ordered Alan Wake and Red Dead Redemption.

Games I Currently Own

Banjo-Kazooie: Nuts & Bolts
Batman: Arkham Asylum 
Borderlands (Without any DLC)
Brütal Legend 
Burnout Paradise
Castle Crashers (Arcade) 
Castlevania: Symphony of the Night (Arcade) 
Condemned: Criminal Origins
Condemned 2: Bloodshot
Dead Rising
Eternal Sonata 
Fable II
Fallout 3 (With all the DLC)
Final Fight: Double Impact (Arcade)
Grand Theft Auto IV (Without any DLC)  
Guitar Hero World Tour
Gyromancer (Arcade)
Magic the Gathering: Duels of the Planeswalkers (Arcade)  
Mass Effect (With all the DLC)
Mass Effect 2 (With all the DLC)
Puzzle Quest: Challenge of the Warlords (Arcade)
Resident Evil 5 (Without any DLC)
Rock Band 
Rock Band 2
Saints Row 2
Shadow Complex (Arcade)
Sonic the Hedgehog 2 (Arcade)
'Splosion Man (Arcade)
Tales of Vesperia
The Beatles: Rock Band
The Maw (Arcade)
Trials HD (Arcade)
Phew. So there you have it. I'd love to get some feedback regarding what I should aim to pick up next, be it Arcade or Disc.

MP Achievements + S-Rank = Sad Panda

I just finished playing Condemned: Criminal Origins (yes I know, the old one), and I'm just two achievements shy from having S-Rank on it (going melee all the way through the game). I'll get back to that at a later stage. So now I'm holding Condemned 2: Bloodshot in front of me, and lo' and behold it has 16 of its 38 achievements requiring to play on Xbox Live.
Now don't get me wrong here, some games have heavy focus on being played online in various forms, and I've even heard the multiplayer in Condemned 2 is a lot of fun. Only problem is that it's near impossible to do this for people like me who bought the game 2 years after its release, unless I beg people on the net to help me out (which feels really cheap). Also, with the game's major focus being its awesome singleplayer experience, it feels so frustrating to more or less know I'll never get a higher grade than B, maybe A, on this game.
Ah well, guess I shouldn't complain too much, as the singleplayer is awesome in itself. Just sucks sometimes to be an achievement-whore.


Next Up...

Where's my freaking Just Cause 2? I ordered it almost 3 weeks ago from my regular online store, and they keep saying it's completly sold out everywhere. Estimated arrival; 27th of May. Gimme!
I'll just throw in Alan Wake and Red Dead Redemption into that package as well. 3 stellar games in one package. My girlfriend will hate my Xbox even more than she already does.


Games That Should Be Made. Right now. Immediately.

Ever played a game you got so sucked into you just wanted more? As the credits roll, you think to yourself "Holy shit this game was awesome. I bet the Developers are already working on a sequel", only to have the years go by without anything happening. It can be several reasons to this. Maybe the game didn't sell so well? Maybe the company behind it had its own trouble, and doesn't exist anymore? Maybe you're just insane who thought that piece of shit was actually good? Well, sitting here at work with nothing better to do, I might as well compile my own list of games that should be made, for the sake of humanity. Or at least for me.

Dark Cloud 3

Dark Cloud 2 (known as Dark Chronicle in some regions) was one of my favourite games ever for the PS2. It had everything I wanted in a game; platforming, some RPG elements, resource-gathering and building up settlements, timetraveling, you name it. Awesome voiceacting and impressive graphics (for its time) just made me cherish this title even more, and I think I've played through it at least four times front to back. Then...nothing. Level5, the company behind the game, seems to have no intention whatsoever to make a sequel. Ever. Some debate that their White Knight Chronicles was their intended sequel to the now dead Dark Cloud series, but that's bullshit in my eyes. Just give me a true sequel worthy to be called Dark Cloud 3, and don't ride the popular "Hey let's ignore Microsoft"-horse so many Japanese companies seem to do.

Chrono Trigger 2

Chrono Trigger to the SNES was another game I could play over and over again. Yes I know, Chrono Cross was more or less the direct followup to Chrono Trigger, but I'm not satisfied! I want the same people who worked on the first game to return and deliver a true Chrono Trigger 2 in all its glory to the next-gen consoles!

X-Com: UFO Defense 2

The first X-Com along with the second one, Terror From the Deep, were the only ones in the long-running serie to be remotely good. Apocalypse, the third game, was passable, but since then it has only gone downhill fast. I heard they're even releasing a new X-Com game this year...and it's a FPS?! Christ, someone should just install the first game again, play it through, and realize what made it so freaking awesome. Give me a true sequel to that one. Please.
Enough ranting. Get to work!

A Trip To Insanity

Alright! Only three achievements left to do; complete game on Insanity level, complete game twice (or once using a ME1 character), and get to level 30. I'll get all of those in my upcoming playthrough, where I'll import my lvl 59 (sigh I know) character from ME1 plus getting the benefits from my first ME2 playthrough. I'm going Soldier with Warp Ammo as my starting skill, and I'll probably go with Miranda and Grunt (later replaced with Legion towards the end) as my sidekicks.
Let the insanity begin!


Cataclysm Preview - Protection Warrior

I'm well aware of that the preview posted yesterday is by no means a full list of the changes to come, so this Blog is more of a feedback on the preview itself.
Those of us who keep up-to-date with Cataclysm and its increasing stream of information regarding it have had a couple of really interesting days. I'm of course talking about the class-previews that are being posted this week (except Paladins, for some reason). I'm playing a Protection Warrior myself, and have been doing so since the start of TBC (was a Holy Priest in Vanilla). I barely play any alts, and I consider my main my true character ( Aquene for those interested).
So yesterday the Warrior preview was posted, and it was underwhelming to say the least. I'm glad that Warrior DPS get some focus, but come on. Did almost the entire preview had to focus on that? Three new abilities were posted; Inner Rage, Gushing Wound, and Heroic Leap. The first two abilities are more or less of zero interest for Protection, and while Heroic Leap sounds cool enough, it's usefulness is situational and feels more gimmick than useful per say.
Onwards to changes to abilities and mechanics. Heroic Strike is changed from "on next swing", to an instant attack. I agree that HS needed a change, and time will tell how it'll work for tanking. Sunder Armor is reduced to 3 stacks rather than 5, which feels more like a change to make it easier for Arms/Fury to apply it in case a Prot isn't in the raid. Great. Other than that the preview offer no juicy stuff for Prot.
Next up new talents and changes to current talents. A talent in Fury-tree which, again, will make it easier/better for DPS Warrior to apply Sunder Armor effect. Great, another reason not to bring a Prot. And yes, that's ALL the preview give us regarding talents that affect Prot: a nerf to us.
They also bring up the mastery system, and the only thing worthwhile to mention is the Critical Block mastery. But I'll bet 100g that Paladins will recieve a similar, if not the exact same, mastery in their prot tree. The other mastery, Vengeance, sounds really good. But wait, don't we already have that in our current talent-tree? Sure we do, Improved Defensive Stance! And you're saying all the other tanks will get Vengeance as well? Superb.
I know it's way too early to go emo or complain about stuff, but right now the Warrior preview was a massive slap in the face to Protection, who's already getting benched over Paladins and Druids in ICC hardmodes. I truly and dearly hope we'll see more than this when Beta arrive, otherwise I fear Cataclysm will be a grim expansion for Protection Warriors.

A Dead Rising Rant

Yeah, I know what you're thinking. "Why rant over a game that's over 3 years old?". Well, for the most parts, I really enjoyed the game (still playing it, I got it late), and I'm really looking forward to Dead Rising 2. But at the same time there were (are) many times I wanted to throw my controller into the TV, and it's just some issues I really hope they improve with the sequal.
First off, the intelligence (or lack of, rather) of the AI. The zombies are cool, they move and act like most mainstream zombies. But the alive characters...dear lord. Since most of the game is centered around saving and escorting people in the mall, you rely very much on the people you're saving's ability to act. This is more or less non-existant. They'll casually walk into herds of zombies, watch friends get eaten alive, trip over 2-inch ledges, run into doors/walls. I can't count the number of times I've failed scoops simply because the AI I was helping was a utter retard. If Dead Rising 2 will focus as much on escorting/saving people I really hope they'll improve the AI.
Secondly, the whole time-limit thing. I get the point of it, I just don't like it. One moment you're minding your own business, waiting for a scoop to come up. The next moment you're juggling 4 scoops at the same time, all running out within in-game hours. It's a freaking hassle, and it just adds unnessesary difficulty. Now don't get me wrong, I love games with a challenge, but the time-limit in Dead Rising simply makes the game really really hard for the wrong reasons. I also feel that you're too often stressing around trying to save people, when you have a gigantic mall that should be explored and have fun in, rather than running from point A to point B and then back to point A. Especially having the mainquest following a time-limit is retarded, since so many sidequests have to be abandoned due to this. Hopefully this will be removed in Dead Rising 2, or at least make it optional at the harder difficulties.
Thirdly, the voiceacting. I know it's not a serious game with a serious story, but most of the characters that speak have truly horrible voiceactors. Not a big issue, since there's not a lot of dialog, but still annoying as hell. Hopefully some proper voiceactors in Dead Rising 2.
So yeah, I like many more look forward to the next game, but I really hope they realize the things that made the first game sometimes a nightmare to play.
Also, excuse any spellingerrors, as english is not my native language.


A Games on Demand Rant

So as most Xbox-owners are aware of by now, Xbox Live got updated yesterday with some awesome new features, including the very handy (and lazy!) Games on Demand feature. So I logged on Xbox Live yesterday, excited to pick some neat games for (what I hoped) a nice price. Mass Effect, Viva Piñata 2 and Burnout Paradise, 3 games I've had my eyes on since I heard of this feature. 
Now first things first; I live in Sweden, and am well aware of that the prices would pretty much depend on what country you live in. But to see prices on all the 20 listed games (yes, all of them) to be 349 swedish kronor (roughly 50 USD) made my jaw drop. I know, 50 dollars for a game ain't a lot, but this was after seeing the prices on the exact same games on the US Xbox Live going for 19.99-29.99 USD. So yes, just because I happen to live in Sweden I had to pay a lot more, sometimes double, for the games. Not to mention the wide array of online videogamestores here in Sweden selling the same games for half the price. 
Sad really, as I was really looking forward to use this feature, but I guess I'll stick to regular buying for now.