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I edited my first ever video. A tutorial for my ARMA 3 clan.

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Working while working

Just to show what I've been doodling while at my regular job. I had some spare time. ; ) 

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 This is about 20 minutes worth of actual work. I'll probably take it home and build on it. 
What do you guys think? 
 I really want to do the sackboy first, but this guy shows promise too.  
Not to shabby for a guy that was just watching zbrush and maya tutorials for 4-5 days, huh? :P

Learning Update

Hi faithful followers. 
Just wanted to share with you my progress in learning the basics of all the 3D modeling stuff.

Been watching a lot of tutorials this week, from character design just to see the workflow, basics of Maya and Z brush (because you often switch between the two. I figured all the basics 3 years ago, but haven't continued to work in the programs, so I forgot- almost ALL of it. 
Just learning the foundations that will help make my big project a reality.  
*raises the glass* So, here's to new beginnings, fresh starts and pursuing your dreams.  

Quick previous work update

Hi everyone, 
Just wanted to point out I put some more work I did a long time ago (around 3 years ago). Here there are: 

  A very simple Gnomon Workshop Modeling tutorial. 
  Another one... 
 And this is a from a Simply Maya free video tutorial. 
Here you go. I'll post something regarding the project soon. 
Peace out.

3D Maya model project- character design

Hi GB community, 
Once more I need your help. 
I'm very interested and passionate about Maya and 3d design in general. I did some tutorials on basic modeling and animation. ( you can check some of my work here, (and my pet husky- ignore that video) ) 
I was thinking about a big, own, personal Maya project that would include you, the community, in helping me with the creative process, especially the character design.  
The idea is that you send me in your character design, preferably in T- pose from the front and side, you get full credit and mention for it, and I turn it into a 3D model. Later I would probably texture it, rig it, and animate and render a short video. 
This is not for commercial use, just to improve my Maya skills. 
For the character itself, I think a cartoonish, bipedal robotic creature would be the easiest and fastest to do, organics require more modeling and animation skill.  
 This robot from a Simply Maya animation tutorial is a pretty good example. 

      Front view
      Front view

 Of course, I would update my project on my blog as it progresses through the stages and describing the steps.
What do you guys think? ; ) Any ideas, tips, good tutorials, lessons and links are much appreciated. 
I know I could just google for a robot T pose reference picture, but I wanted to invite you all in for the ride, so we can do something unique and original and have more motivation, collaboration and willpower to go through with it. 
Thank you all!   =) 
EDIT: Your entry for the character design can be hand-drawn, scanned and posted here, orr drawn in Photoshop or any other program. 
This DOES NOT require you to know Maya. (seem like some people misunderstood  me.)  So.. 

Character Design Idea

For the character itself, I think a cartoonish, bipedal robotic creature would be the easiest and fastest to do, organics require more modeling and animation skill.
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