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To 3DS or not to 3DS?

The recent unveiling of the new 3DS from Nintendo has left me a with a bit of a puzzle: should I buy it when it comes out (assuming it lists for a reasonable price) or not?  The game catalog introduced with the device was pretty impressive to be sure, and by all accounts the 3D effect lives up to the promise, however, I am finding my pockets too cluttered lately.  I have an old cell phone, which is due to be replaced by one of those shiny new smart phones (Android, iOS, or WebOS I have yet to decide). I also already own a PSP that I use on a regular basis. To add a 3DS into the mix would require lugging around another (albeit small) device. While the combo of a smartphone and a PSP covers me from a both  'connected' and 'gamer' ends (with significant crossover too) I don't thing I can resist adding the 3DS to my daily luggage.  Why would I deprive myself of all the fun to be had with it, right? (Not to mention - IT TAKES 3D PICTURES!)