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The (over)Hype Train

I have played through, and enjoyed immensely, a number of AAA titles in the past year for the PS3.  (I'm certain if you are reading this that you have also likely played a number of AAA games recently on whatever console(s) you own.)   Prior to the games' releases I, probably like most who frequent sites like this, I would take notice of and devour the increased coverage of the title that would inevitably lead up to its debut.  Once the game actually hit store shelves I'd pick it up as soon as I could and spend the next few days playing through the whole thing.  Often after finishing the game, however, I have  been left with a feeling of being let down.  Not from the experience mind you, but from the end of the anticipation; akin to waking up on Boxing Day when you are young and realizing that there is nothing in your stocking and will not be anything in it for another year.  Multiplayer components help mitigate this sometimes, but after jumping in a couple times the experience is no longer new (even though it may be quite fun).  It seems to me that the gaming industry in general has developed a fantastic system for creating a frenzy surrounding a title, converting that attention to sales almost immediately upon release and then, once the gamer has had a couple of days to enjoy/digest the experience, focus attention on the the next game in the pipeline.

I do not want it to sound like I am complaining too much.  I enjoy assimilating the copious information doled out prior to a games release - it helps me decide whether or not to spend my money on it.  I just can't help but wonder if it all makes it easier to get over-hyped for a game and as a result affects my experience with it.

I guess the nice thing is that I have a choice in all of this.  (But then what would I read about on the internet at work?)