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Average score of 3 user reviews

A classic reborn 0

It's been a long time since I last played Zelda: Ocarina of time... in fact it’s been a long time since I played a Nintendo Game (never owned a Gamecube)... now, after a decision of not buying the PS3 until it had games worth the price (or a price cut) I ended up buying the Wii (which is great and fresh).The first thing I wanted to try were the zelda games... and after playing OOT I can say is still the best Zelda ever (need to play TP).The game play is great, smooth and very enjoyable. Great ba...

0 out of 1 found this review helpful.

A game that honors the FF brand 0

Since the first Final Fantasy in the NES, I've been fan of the series. I have played every single console release (except FF:CC for the GC) and every game has been entirely great.When I heard about FF XII battle system, my first reaction was of fear... How could they've done that!!!!But really, it works great. I still love classic Japanese RPG style. I love to micro manage every battle, and every character; but the experience with the ADB is great. The Gambit System and the way you are more focu...

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Great FF game 0

I can't remember the first time I heard of the game coming out. It's been a while, but since that first time I wanted the game, and as soon as it came out I bought it. Now that I have finished it I can say that it's a great game, with a wonderful and immersing story, a very nice combat system and a very weird DMV.First of all, this is a true FF, even though is a prequel to FFVII it could stand well by it self. The story is well written and driven through the game, the characters are complex and ...

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