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Best of 2010

I feel that Shadow Complex deserves a mention because I just got an Xbox 360 about 3-4 weeks ago and I wasn't able to play it last year despite wanting to. Not only was it worth the wait, it still completely blew me away. Insanely fun and addictive, I can see why It won Giantbomb's 360 game of the year. Shadow Complex is my 2010's 2009 Game of The Year.

List items

  • A great atmosphere and A strange story told in a great way. The gameplay was simple and yes repetitive but the story kept me engaged through mystery and absurdity. The contrast that a lot of the lighting created was quite pleasing to the eye, and as weird as it sounds, lighting a flare in darkness creates a remarkable looking effect. The gameplay never became a nuisance to the overall experience and Remedy created a game that kept me hooked until the end and never once created a moment of monotony. I wait hopefully and arduously for Alan Wake 2

  • Years of waiting, back when Sam had a beard and the idea was to hide in plain sight. My second most anticipated game of the year, and most anticipated in the past 4. Although it provides an experience that drastically differs from the prior entries it also gives you the power and the position to be the hunter. The past games were dependent on stealth to survive and even complete missions, this entry however gives it to you as an option. I am still confused as to whether I like this as an entry to the series, but regardless it is a solid and fun game.

  • A game that gives you a world you can create and destroy block by block. It let my imagination go wild, creating castles in the sky and buildings that defy physics. No other game this year has brought out so much childish and pure unbridled joy in me. The scenery that this game and its graphics can create were at times amazing.

    Note: The game entered beta this month, so I think it counts.

  • The only game in years to evoke any form of fear or nervousness in me, sometimes through nothing at all except great sound design. I had forgotten that a game could be so terrifying. This is really something special and played with the lights off and earphones on it creates a truly memorable experience.

  • It seems that I always take a break from Halo for years at a time, which is why it always surprises me just how fun and addictive the Co-Op/Singleplayer can be on Legendary. The abilities provide some variety in the Multiplayer, which is great as always.

  • This is a bit of a weird experience for me as I felt that the quality of the story and characters was largely inconsistent. The story starts of promisingly but so much of it feels like filler. Marston is just not vindictive or passionate enough as a main character. The second ending was incredibly disappointing. For as personal as the act of vengeance should have been, its surprising how impersonal the final duel and scene feels. So then why is this on here? Well its the beautiful and detailed world that you run around. The game play, the animations, so much of it feels lovingly polished.

  • After playing this going back to Devil May Cry is impossible.

  • Addictive and Tough

  • More Assassins Creed 2? Yes Please

  • A genuinely fun and exciting single player. Although I am not too fond of the multiplayer itself the zombie mode is insanely fun with friends.