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#1  Edited By CaptainScarLeg

@nutter: @jeffrud: Yeah they added Panzer Dragoon Orta like 5 months ago, it got X-Enhanced too :)

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@frostyryan: The Simpsons Hit and Run is a really popular request. I remember that being a popular game but I don't remember it too well, maybe I should check that out.

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#3  Edited By CaptainScarLeg

@colourful_hippie: I don't think they've brought anything over that needs specific 360 peripherals have they? It would be cool if they did though.

Heck, it would be cool if they would just enable 360 controllers and peripherals in general. I'd get some more use out of my 360 racing wheel. I guess I could always hook it up to my PC and play through streaming on the Xbox App but that's kind of involved-- I'm going off on a tangent, nevermind.

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#4  Edited By CaptainScarLeg

Something I really like about Xbox One is backwards compatibility. It's something that was a bigger deal in the last console generation (the Wii, PS3, 360 and Wii U all had it to varying degrees) and it's kind of a bummer that the Xbox One is the only console this gen to really focus on it, of course there are several reasons for that, but still. Backwards compatibility is a great tool for video game access and preservation.

Major Nelson tweets new additions to back compat on Tuesdays:

The back compat on Xbox One might be the best in the business, with how it not only plays 360 and OG Xbox games just as well as on original hardware, but also improves them with forced V-Sync, better framerates in many cases, and higher resolutions for OG Xbox games and some 360 games even have Xbox One X patches. That's some magic emulation tech they've put together. So I threw a list together of games I'd particularly like to be added. Spoiler: it's mostly fighting games, Sonic games and DBZ games.

TL;DR - Xbox back compat is cool, here are some games I'd like, feel free to skim the list and post your own!

Xbox One BC Wishlist

1. Soulcalibur IV I really like the idea of my Xbox One just having every fighting game on it. Tekken, Dead or Alive, Injustice and Virtua Fighter are covered, but SCIV is a big omission for me. If I had to guess, this game is probably in some sort of licensing hell thanks to the Star Wars characters. If that's the case we may never see it added to Back Compat. It's one of my most played 360 games though and I'd love to see it happen.
2. Soulcalibur V I never played this one much and think IV is better, but I'd still like to have another crack at it sometime. Having it on my Xbox One would be as good a reason as any to take another look.
3. Mortal Kombat Injustice is on there, why not Mortal Kombat?
5. Sonic Unleashed I rented this game way back and really liked the Sonic stages and the gorgeous CG cutscenes (I think they started doing them that way in Shadow the Hedgehog) but I didn't get very far. It feels like an unfinished chapter in my Sonic game history and a kind of important one given it was the first game to use the Hedgehog Engine. The Werehog stuff is whatever.
8. Sonic Heroes I dunno, this would just be cool to see. Sonic Heroes isn't my favourite Sonic game but I have some fond memories of it. Mostly the theme song, probably.
9. Sonic Riders Same reason as Sonic Heroes really. Riders isn't the easiest game to control but it feels great when you get pretty good at it. I'm not sure if the Wii sequel was good, I'll have to look into it, but it's a shame the 360 Riders game was Kinect-only and we haven't seen Riders again since.
6. Sonic & Sega All-Stars Racing I fell in love with Sonic & All-Stars Racing Transformed when they gave it out on Games with Gold a while back so I'm down for playing the original.
10. Command & Conquer: Red Alert 3 I have this on Steam, but it's one of those Steam games that never got achievements. Also I originally played Red Alert 1 on PlayStation as a kid so playing C&C on consoles is weirdly nostalgic I guess, even if using a controller isn't the best way to play this sort of game.
11. Dragon Ball: Raging Blast I don't understand why none of the Dragon Ball Z 360 games are on there. I haven't played the Raging Blast games but from what I can gather they're basically successors to the old Tenkaichi series and those were great.
12. Dragon Ball: Raging Blast 2 Like seriously Xenoverse and FighterZ are fantastic but it would be nice to have more.
13. Dragon Ball Z: Burst Limit Surely they could only make more money by adding these? I actually played this one a bunch, I remember the story mode was really tough on the higher difficulties. Burst Limit was a watered down Budokai if memory serves but it looked slick.
14. Dragon Ball Z: Budokai HD Collection Come on, even Budokai? They represent the first truly good DBZ fighting games. I don't get it. It sucks that the music is all different because the composer turned out to be a plagiarist, but this would still be a cool thing to play. Also kinda sucks that Budokai 2 isn't included but I guess I understand why and I never played 2 anyway.
7. Sega Superstars Tennis I just put this in my 360 for the first time (it was a pack-in game with my console I'd never touched) and it seems pretty good. Made by the same devs who made the Sonic All-Stars Racing games and I kind of just want to play everything they make now. Maybe they could have a crack at reviving Sonic Riders after Sonic Team Racing comes out.
4. Street Fighter X Tekken Tekken and Street Fighter are on there, kinda weird this isn't. I've only messed around with this game once or twice, wouldn't mind taking another look at it.

Burnout Revenge and Prince of Persia were on my list but were added a while ago now.

It would be cool if they added the missing Sonic games (okay they can keep Sonic 06 but still)
It would be cool if they added the missing Sonic games (okay they can keep Sonic 06 but still)

So are there any games you'd like to see added to backwards compatibility on Xbox One?

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At first I was going to say watch the movies and skip those episodes, but then I remembered some of the fun stuff in the early episodes you'll miss out on if you do that (Vegeta taking Trunks out for a day like he promised him in the Buu saga, Goku and Vegeta training to use God ki, etc.) they fill in a few blanks from the movies and it's interesting to see the changes they made from the movies to the episodes. Some changes are good and some aren't.

The notoriously bad animation from some of the early episodes isn't as bad so long as you're not watching the original Japanese broadcast versions. They cleaned lots of that up for the DVD/Blu-ray releases and they of course used that footage for the dub versions too.


I skimmed through the thread and didn't see it mentioned but I'd also highly recommend reading the manga version. The anime is written by writers at Toei Animation and the Manga is written by Toyotaro (Toriyama's understudy? Apprentice? Right hand man? I dunno) but both are based on the story outline provided by Toriyama so both versions are technically canon, yet different. Toyotaro does really awesome stuff in some chapters and then not so great stuff in other chapters just like the anime has great episodes and rough ones, but generally speaking the powerscaling, Goku's character, and the artwork is all more consistent than the anime. Some chapters unfortunately suffer from bad pacing though as he only puts out one chapter a month and can't keep up with the anime (he skipped the Resurrection F arc completely) but regardless, it's cool to see a different take on the story.

Anyway, chapters going back to March last year are available for free on the VIZ website. Aside from chapter one, you'll have to buy the prior chapters in volumes 1-3 off Amazon or wherever. They aren't expensive. Or you could find the chapters online through less legitimate means.

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Here are the character sheets for Goku, Vegeta and Broly.

This to note:

  • Vegeta appears in his Buu Arc outfit at some point, probably in a flashback?
  • Vegeta uses Super Saiyan God (red hair) which he's used before in the manga but not in the anime
  • No sign of Vegeta and Goku's latest forms seen in the Tournament of Power (they likely wouldn't show them here anyway)
  • As seen in the trailer, Broly has some mid-transformation between base and Super Saiyan with spiked up black hair, maybe equivalent to his "restrained" form from the original movie
  • Goku and Vegeta have some sickass winter coats
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@lentfilms: Hi I haven't watched Dragon Ball Z since I was 8 and I only ever saw Broly in AMVs I downloaded off of Kazaa and Limewire. Why was he decided to be non-canon in the first place? I remember thinking he just seemed like to coolest dude.

The original Dragon Ball Z movies are considered non-canonical because they weren't written by Toriyama (the creator/writer of the original Dragon Ball manga) and because they often don't fit into the timeline properly. Characters are often in the wrong place at the wrong time, the bad guys appear out of nowhere with no mention of them in the manga/anime before or after, there are major plot holes, etc.

The original Broly movie, from what I remember, isn't actually too bad in that sense. The biggest problem with it was it seemed to happen right before the Cell games (because Gohan looked like he did after coming out of the Hyperbolic Time Chamber, but hadn't unlocked Super Saiyan 2 yet) except in the movie Goku and Gohan weren't constantly in Super Saiyan form, which they were at that time in the manga. One of the aforementioned plot holes.

Anyway, the actual problem with the original movie is Broly himself. He's completely uninteresting and has no real personality beyond turning into a berserk rage monster. Also, the reason he was messed up in the head and had a grudge against Goku was because they were next to each other in a Saiyan baby ward thing when they were born and Goku cried for hours which drove Broly insane. That's it. That's why he's insane and why he wants to destroy Goku.

TLDR; Toriyama is writing his own version of Broly that should fix all the bad/dumb stuff. Hopefully.

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The dub trailer, for us filthy English-speaking ningen:

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Now all we need is a Sonic romhack with a Lockdown-themed zone.

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Condolences to his wife, family, and friends, and Jeff and everyone else here at Giant Bomb.

I never met Ryan in person, but I wrote a very short thing here, because I felt it was important.

I said it there and I'll say it here: rest in peace Ryan, thanks for all the laughs.
