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Average score of 28 user reviews

Remarkable 0

Note: Review was written in 2004, though my feelings have not changed over the last four years.What objectively defines a role-playing game? The debate has been stretched out as far back as I can certainly recall. You could say they originated in the form of classic, traditional style story-telling similar to that of Final Fantasy. Perhaps it is based off of an intricate setup of mechanics relating to the battle system and health display. Even the debate to conclude if the Legend of Zelda series...

3 out of 5 found this review helpful.

Manly Competition 0

Running down that empty hallway and looking for a place to catch my breath seemed like the best action to take at the moment. After fighting off the swarms of enemy units and plugging a rocket right into the under-carriage of that menacing tank, I was fresh out of bullets. Peeking into the distance I could see the constant carnage of gripping confrontations, all just to seize control of a couple of title-less structures. Getting through isn't easy, as looking around every corner and being fully ...

1 out of 1 found this review helpful.

A Little Over-Shaken 1

Games based off anime are terrible! Those that happen to wonder upon such statements usually consider it a truth. However, it is not too often that a platform title takes on the image of a japanimation-esque image and actually turns out to be good. In a world where three dimensional adventures were emerging, one secluded title managed to stand foothold in forgotten territory. The territory I am speaking of is the world of the two-dimensional side-scroller. The Nintendo 64 was the epitome of over...

4 out of 5 found this review helpful.

Beware of Falling Seals! 0

As I was playing through Super Smash Brothers: Melee the other day, the thought occurred to me on just what game the Ice Climbers were from anyway. It seemed like they were the only characters from the list I had never heard of. On further inspection I found out they had their own game on the NES, so I got me a copy and had a go. Now Ice Climbers is a very innovative approach at the platform genre, with its one unique trait of moving vertically, rather than horizontally. Your point here is to ch...

0 out of 1 found this review helpful.

Definitely cheaper than fixing the engine of your real jet ski. 0

Something barely seen in today's gaming environment are the realistic racing games. Titles that are devoid of rocket launchers and hyper plasma cannons are a thing of the past. Just looking attentively at the release list for the next generation consoles makes that all too apparent. However, in the quiet beginnings of the classic 64 bit era was Wave Race 64, a serene and submerged Jet Ski racer devoid of the flashy gimmicks and the overrated action attachment. Despite its simplistic premise, it ...

1 out of 1 found this review helpful.

One Eye -- Five Stars. 0

A tremendous earth-shattering explosion is heard from miles around. Surrounded by towering mountains, the echo is so forceful it feels as if the very fabric of time itself is collapsing. Reality seems to stand still as a bullet train speeds by, all the while slowly being engulfed in a crimson flame. Bodies are hurled across the barren tundra, overshadowed by the ominous night sky. In the midst of the chaos, a shadowy figure rises from the ruined aftermath of fiery scrap, unscathed. Turning off t...

0 out of 1 found this review helpful.

As far as snowboarding games go, little can catch this one. 1

When it comes to snow-boarding, this particular reviewer definitely isn’t one to call on for tips and tricks. Vaguely can I recall the event that took place atop a snowy peak a few hours from my hometown. I can also remember some overconfidence, a concealed tree root, and a sprained wrist. What one can sum up from this assembly of mishaps is a sense of unwanted realism. An attribute that we try to avoid when playing anything belonging to the extreme sports genre. Being able to defy gravity, exce...

2 out of 2 found this review helpful.

The good? Still the same. The bad? Still the same. 0

For those who have toiled along the sun-parched fields of Harvest Moon over the years, one thing has been made evidently clear: repetition is fun. Combining the occupation of farming with the genre of simulation, Natsume has kept their hardworking fan-base busy for over a decade. Though obscure in the glory days of the SNES, the series has definitely busted onto the scene in recent years. Whether by word-of-mouth or a lack of first-party Nintendo games (which we should all be used to), Harvest M...

1 out of 1 found this review helpful.

An average brawler that's primarily for fans of the show. 0

As I sit here late into the night, my brain formulates an interesting thought. Who hasn’t heard of Dragonball Z by now? Whether you are at home channel surfing or walking by a group of hyperactive children on the streets, the topic is bound to have come up. What is it about this phenomenon that has made it so popular? Could it be the engaging characters, deep storyline, or emotionally driven concept? Nope. Primarily because all three of these subjects are virtually nonexistent within it. No, it ...

0 out of 0 found this review helpful.

NSMB is a superb trip down memory lane. 0

There is one particular thought that you should dismiss from your mind before reading a review or perhaps even going out to purchase this game. And that is, do not expect this to be along the same monumental line as Super Mario 64, Super Mario World, or even the first game Mario appeared on for that matter. Think of Mario’s latest venture as more of an anthology of sorts; an assemblage of positive features from his best games, spanning over the last twenty years. A nostalgic trip down memory lan...

0 out of 1 found this review helpful.

Trudging down memory lane. 0

Simple platformers have not withstood the test of time in today’s rampant world of cinema crammed role-playing games, competitive shooters, and batty innovative puzzlers. Once in a while the need to revisit a past series and style of play is vital to set a sense of equilibrium and to not forget what came first. Series such as the classic Donkey Kong for example, and his long time but inconsistent rival, Mario. Based on a remake of the 1994 version of Donkey Kong for the Game Boy, Mario vs. Donke...

0 out of 1 found this review helpful.

Diamond in the Rough. 0

What does one think of when you picture the deep blue sky and endless oceans? How about the starry night skies and towering mountains? There has always been a sensitive side for me in the exciting realm of exploration, and the sense of adventure you get from it. Alright maybe I am getting too ahead of myself here, but when you think of such, you wonder how you are going to get around seeing it all. Since I am unfortunately no pilot, and know none myself, the closest to the real thing I could gra...

0 out of 0 found this review helpful.

You really can't go wrong with a Pokemon game. 0

Looking back ten years, one can see why the Pokemon series was to be such a big success. Cute monsters and traditional role-playing mechanics all wrapped up in one portable package for children on the go. It was played outside of homes, schools, malls, and everywhere kids seemed to wander back then. The fact that there were loads of merchandise, trading cards, and a television show about the growing phenomenon did nothing but nurture the growth of the entertainment giant. The idea behind it was ...

0 out of 1 found this review helpful.

Star Fox Command is a worthy entry in the Star Fox series. 1

Fox McCloud is just your typical mammal looking to have a great time flying through the skies and stars of the Lylat system. Accompanied by his buddies: Falco, Peppy, and the always obnoxious Slippy, Fox has guided bored kids with fast-paced game-play for years, with visuals that were always among the best on the series’ respective consoles. Yet, over the years, Fox decided to take a break from what he did best -- a change that would haunt the lives of his fans for years to come. Why Nintendo? W...

1 out of 1 found this review helpful.

Harvest Moon 64 is an underrated masterpiece. 0

I feel ripped off in today’s world. I work my ass off day after day at a job I really don't like, just to come home with a little bit of money and a headache. Then I look at how good some others have it, example being the main character in Natsume’s unforgettable Harvest Moon series. How could a simple farmer have it so good? He is surrounded by plenty of hot girls, makes a load of money finding stuff growing around the land, and gets to go to a lot of fun festivals. Where are all these things i...

2 out of 2 found this review helpful.

A tad monotonous, but engrossing nonetheless. 0

You are a loner; one who is moving to a mysterious land for no apparent reason whatsoever. You have nothing with you, no one to accompany you, and no past to speak of. While daydreaming of what awaits you at your upcoming destination, a mild mannered creature sits in the booth in front of you. Curious at where this poor creature could be heading to, the cat named Rover, asks where you are heading. You adequately reply that you are moving, but have no home to look forward to when you get there. S...

0 out of 0 found this review helpful.

Majora's Mask is truly a double-edged sword. 0

You've got a plan that could never go wrong. Taking a long vacation away from the world you just fought so hard for is what the doctor ordered. Exuberantly, you get on your steed and ride into the horizon. Yet darkness always waits unsuspectingly for the great Hero of Time, no matter the circumstance. Trekking slowly into an enchanting realm within a lush forest, you seem to detect something, but pay it no mind. There are ethereal spirits and wisps fluttering about the night sky creating an unse...

1 out of 2 found this review helpful.

The low price and unique presentation make Brain Age a must buy. 0

There is one particular question that can be heard echoing throughout the corridors of time. It is something that cannot be correctly answered by most people, which usually include: the casuals, gaming novices, and those who have never touched a game in their miserable life. That question would be, “Can video games help us improve our intelligence?” Well, the way games have always been made could be the reason why most people ask this. You have your mindless hack and slash ventures, frantic shoo...

1 out of 1 found this review helpful.

A different approach to the series, but satisfying nonetheless. 0

Since the early days of Simon Belmont, down through the generations, Dracula and his evil minions continue to find ways to resurface. Similar to the great heroes of time, each descendant manages to come of age with powerful new techniques and abilities which hold evil at bay. However, no matter what picture you paint within the haunting realm of the dead, every new Castlevania game will always remain true to its series. From the groundbreaking customization of Symphony of the Night to the card-b...

0 out of 0 found this review helpful.

Pirates on a Wing. 0

Those dirty pirates. What is it about them that causes us to respect and admire them so? Is it their courageous and admirable traits, their ruthless ability to defy the natural law, or just those bad-ass looking eye patches? Skies of Arcadia: Legends takes every one of those attributes and adds a great deal of character and plot to create an enthralling role-playing experience. However, I cannot say that my first few hours with the game were any indication of how much it would draw me in. T...

2 out of 3 found this review helpful.

Beneath the cheery exterior is a game devoid of challenge or fun. 0

Alas, there is someone who has always been in Mario’s glorious shadow and it is not his brother. No my friends, that spot belongs to the plumber’s unfortunate and obese rival, Wario. From the early days of his ventures on the Game Boy to his release on the Gamecube, the tubby gangster has always been a part of an incredibly simple and linear based game-play style. One such example would be the immortality that he possesses through most of his titles. However, Wario World ditches the “live foreve...

0 out of 1 found this review helpful.

Action-RPG + MMORPG + Ingenuity = ES IV: Oblivion 0

You are the unfortunate prisoner, sitting in your particular cell, wondering just how you got yourself into this troublesome predicament. Across the hall can be heard the snickers of a fellow inmate, hurling insults your way as the guard and his escorts approach. While waiting you calm your fidgeting by playfully moving some chains back and forth, all the while watching that ever approaching shadow. Yet, with each passing second you feel a sense that something is amiss, a wariness that easily to...

0 out of 0 found this review helpful.

A towering head above the competition. 0

Shadow of the Colossus represents a unique approach to the action based role-playing genre, but honestly, it is one that should be used a lot more often. How many titles have we played where leveling up was a requirement? Going to a certain area and tediously acquiring experience just to keep up with the AI is very lame; as is stopping to fight ridiculously boring and meaningless enemies such as skeletons, ogres, and slimes. Once in a while though, a game comes along that tries to break that bou...

1 out of 1 found this review helpful.

Laying the Foundation. 0

Nanostray definitely sets out to accomplish a number of things. As you fly your particular aircraft over expansive jungles, towering space stations, and rocky canyons, you will begin to see that the game’s developer had hoped to cater to a plethora of people. From the retro gamer who knows his classic shooters to a tee to the types of players who always love that adrenaline filled challenge, developer Shin’en knew just what they wanted. I would also be lying if I said that this wasn’t one of the...

0 out of 0 found this review helpful.

At the time, it was the best of the handheld RTS genre. 1

We definitely do not get enough thought provoking situations throughout the average day. Whether it be sitting in college mindlessly daydreaming on how you can ignore the next upcoming class or watching that same anime rerun you have seen thousands of times, there just has to be something that can be both intriguing and difficult. Simply put, there is really only one particular genre out there that seems to be on top of things when it comes to these aspects. It wasn't soon after I asked myself t...

0 out of 0 found this review helpful.

It's a classic treasure, but a few problems weigh it down. 0

The biggest commodity of games in arcades has been then and still is shooters. From their wonderfully quaint and simple graphical nature to the pleasant concept of trying to get the best score, shooters have always been there to challenge us. Now how many of us today have heard of Galaga? Well, if you have been around for a while, you would know that it goes back a long way, especially in the arcades. Ah, the memories, I remember spending quarter after quarter, hoping to finally beat my friend’s...

1 out of 1 found this review helpful.

Even after twelve years, there still isn't a better jet ski game. 0

Something barely seen in today’s gaming environment are the realistic racing games. Titles that are devoid of rocket launchers and hyper plasma cannons are a thing of the past. Just looking attentively at the release list for the next generation consoles makes that all too apparent. However, in the quiet beginnings of the classic 64 bit era was Wave Race 64, a serene and submerged Jet Ski racer devoid of the flashy gimmicks and the overrated action attachment. Despite its dated and simplistic na...

0 out of 0 found this review helpful.

Asheron’s Call is all that represents online gaming. 0

The sun fades beyond the Mountain of Lethe as the darkness of night sweeps over the land. The ethereal wisps can be seen fluttering throughout the night sky and the twin moons gleam a powerful glow on the cities around the world. A group of travelers leave the pub and grab their swords, shields, wands, and bows, and prepare to venture into the wilderness. As the fellowship continues on, their power can be sensed by nearly every being in the area, and one by one, enemies fall before their might. ...

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