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Butmac's Games That Piss Him Off

These are the games that when I think about I just get pissed off

List items

  • This game was weird, made zero sense, had a story that was impossible to follow, had fights that were too difficult to be fun. This game inspired this list.

  • Ooooooh Braaaaaidddd. Braid is a good game, with a great score, but holy hell - tone it down. I'm not stupid and I love puzzle games, but there is such a thing as making a game too hard that it's just more trouble than it's worth.

  • This game is so boring, I hesitate calling it a game sometimes. The ENTIRE gameplay revolves around shooting two different enemies while you defend something. That's it. That's the game. You can drive around if you want, but that doesn't have a point either. Worst sequel to a great game ever.

  • Go suck an egg, Trials. Let's make a moderately fun physics-based racer and the ramp the difficulty through the ceiling. Trials HD made me feel stupid for not being able to traverse a hill with a 90 degree incline. I hate you Trials.