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You can either do a system backup to the 2TB external drive and then restore that backup on the new PS4, or use the network system transfer where you connect both machines with an ethernet cable and then run the transfer utility. Ethernet would take fewer steps but will probably be pretty slow. I'd set it up to start transferring before you go to bed.

Either way, just do a full factory reset on the old PS4 after you're done transferring, to wipe all your data from it (and if you really want to be sure, you can then reinstall the OS from a USB stick afterward). All this stuff is pretty easy to find in the settings, but Sony should also have tutorials up that you can find with a quick google.

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@teddie said:

If the troll that's been in all the marketing as your guide/buddy (in the quick look too) is mind-controlled then... well I wouldn't say it makes me uncomfortable, more just kinda sad that your buddy actually hates your guts and the connection there is all false. As far as I know the mind-controlled orcs are just the guys you direct around and don't really interact on a personal level like in the first game, so on that level it doesn't bother me.

I definitely get that "I'm kinda rooting for the bad guys because they're more entertaining" feeling though. All the humans are boring as fuck. Maybe that's fixed in the sequel.

Hoo boy are you in for some shit when that quest line concludes. In the context of "things in Shadow of War that made me uncomfortable," that moment really takes the cake. I haven't had too much objection to the rest of the game, although exploding the heads of the worms you pull intel from is a little over the top, but that one situation is pretty offputting. I'll spoiler it if anyone wants to know.

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Wow, this is the first time I'm actually happy I had to put down Zelda to burn through Mass Effect.

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The overall gist that I got is:

that the Evil Corporation was researching Matrix-esque human batteries. It seemed like the black masses were some sort of mind-controlling parasite they discovered that let them breed/create vegetative humans for this purpose - you follow their early research through the first half of the game, from animal testing to humans controlled with a device to "zombies" that just kind of instinctively act as one unit. At the climax, you form up with your buddies and bust out of the facility's pilot reactor (possibly during its first live test, given the crowd?), trash the building, and roll out into the world. I don't think the red shirt boy is meant to have any characterization other than "curious kid who wants to explore that crazy complex in the woods."

This isn't a bad way to look at it. My biggest question is

after the game portrays the organization as this faceless monolith with all of its employees operating in lockstep, why did several scientists seem to break ranks and help you escape in the last few moments?

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@snail said:

So... it's been a week. Where's that damn interview?

On a cassette tape buried deep in my closet.

I think it originally ran on GameSpot in a news story or preview article, but I'm not surprised if that page has been lost to Google in one of GS's many redesigns over the last decade.

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#6  Edited By Brad

Adventure Capatalist is so boring without some background banter!

Hmm, I'd been thinking about downloading that, but maybe I'll pass.

Anyway what is this thread about again?

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Modem rental is a shitty racket. Get this and never worry about it again.

I have the older model of that and it's super solid -- I was even able to pull a usable (albeit very slow) signal when some construction outside had literally nicked a chunk out of the cable running into my building. The Comcast tech said it must be a pretty good modem because he was surprised I had any Internet at all with that kind of damage.

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You have to understand the sort of vacuum I was playing this game in, having gotten a review copy two Fridays before launch when there was effectively zero information available about what was in the game. So every little discovery felt like it opened up a huge range of new possibilities, since I had no sense whatsoever of the game's boundaries and limitations. (I didn't even talk to other reviewers about it until I was close to the endgame.) As such, things that seemed enormously profound to me at the time may have come off as a bit more rote for people who were playing it after release, once the collective information about the contents of the game were starting to coalesce. Hard to say at this point.

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@humanity: oh yeah I've pulled it off cleanly, I just find it unnecessarily tedious to have to move that slowly. I'll fast track the suit ASAP

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@humanity: Even that sounds like a welcome improvement. Having every guard turn around and spot me when I crouch-walk up behind them has been a real pain in the ass, and a noticeable change from GZ.