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Finished FFX, my final thoughts. One down, three more to go!

I just finished Final Fantasy X for the first time. It was fine. It's better than I remember, but I think nostalgia is clouding my judgement. It's more... Final Fantasy than more recent games, and I think that is the primary reason I enjoyed it. Here are some last thoughts, just written as they come to mind.

Tidus is still the absolute worst character in the entire franchise. I did find the other characters more likable the second time around, though. I enjoyed how Auron's character is developed in the past, that worked well. Too bad that the weakest characters, Yuna and Tidus, are the most important. Their "romance" scenes are probably the worst and most awkward in the world of JRPGs.

Gameplay wise, it holds up. I understand why they changed the battle system, and I enjoyed it. I still prefer the classic ATB style, but I like this more than XIII's paradigms. I like the sphere grid more than I did the first time around, but it was poorly designed in some ways. Kimahri is handicapped right out of the gate because of poor design.

Interestingly enough, the same team that made XIII was behind X. There are some definite similarities between the two games. Most apparent would have to be how linear each game is. Honestly, X and XIII are the most linear games in the series. X was the first game to omit the world map, and the entire game is mostly running forward, just like XIII. The major difference is that someone made an attempt to add a little variety to the areas in X. Places like the Thunder Plains mix things up. The maps are just designed better in X, as well. None of them are floating catwalks. Finally, the areas don't feel dragged out like they do in XIII. Though it's just as linear, the linearity of X never frustrated me like it did in XIII. (On a side note, I think just as many comparisons could be drawn between X and VIII, which seems to have been the primary inspiration for X's gameplay system).

X probably has one of the better musical scores in the series. Of course, because it is so good, they had to top it off with the absolute boss music ever conceived. I wanted to kill my self when I found Jecht.

I just want all of your ears to bleed with mine.

So, because I am a human who plays video games, I have some strange attachment to lists. I will now rank the Final Fantasy games I have completed from favorite to least favorite in the order that pleases me at this very moment. The order changes pretty much daily, though the first four are always the first four. So you all know, I adore each and every one of these games. Being at the end of the list doesn't mean I dislike the game. Not included are spin-offs or MMORPGs.

  1. Final Fantasy IX
  2. Final Fantasy VI
  3. Final Fantasy VIII
  4. Final Fantasy V
  5. Final Fantasy XII
  6. Final Fantasy VII
  7. Final Fantasy IV
  8. Final Fantasy X
  9. Final Fantasy XIII

So, there you have it. I'm now about halfway through III, and hope to finish it soon. Then I'll move on to II, and finish it off with the original. I've also been playing FFXIV, and I enjoy it. I know, crazy.

Please, share with me your thoughts.

*Oh, as a historical final note, you may all find it interesting to know that FFX is the first game in the franchise that I purchased after having anticipating it's release. I had already played VIII extensively, but not until a year or two after it was released. I played X until I decided it was the worst game ever made, and then sold it. That's not interesting at all, but I typed it, so it's going to stay right here.