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Edited By Bobby_The_Great

Can someone please love Nioh? Please? Hello?

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@mems1224 said:

@quipido: the old halo games were locked at 30 and they're some of the best shooters of all time. The game plays fine most of the time. Like I said, people are overreacting

The difference is Halo ran at a stable 30fps. Stability is the key, this dips all over the play and is headache-inducing.

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Edited By Bobby_The_Great

I have this on PC running with a 1080 at 60fps, so I figured I'd try it out on the Xbox One (no X) just to see if I could play it with my friends.

This game looks AWFUL and runs terribly on Xbox One. It often times has such jittery frame rate and dips so low (15fps or so), I get a headache playing the game, several sections are so dark (no brightness settings and I have my monitor all the way up) you can't see anything, and it's often hard to tell where people are at on the screen.

The controls are super sluggish, and feel like I'm driving a tank. And don't even get me started on inventory management - it's the worst I've seen in a game, whereas PC is drag-and-drop. Game is a mess.

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Everyone is arguing. I really like this game.

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@andrewpoe said:

Sorry GB crew, but I don't agree with the top 10 at all. Super Mario Maker unfortunately is not an actual game -- sure, it's fun and great to play and download levels over the internet but what the game is about is done in less than 5 minutes. I would argue that Rocket League is more of an actual game than Super Mario Maker. Kerbal Space Program I'm not sure has any place either since I think it had came out in 2014 as a beta/early access. The rest of the list is decent I guess but seems to be the mark of people too busy to actually enjoy games nowadays (not to mention your snub of Bloodborne). Just put iPhone games on the list in 2016 rather than bother with games like The Witcher 3 or Bloodborne.

"Super Mario Maker unfortunately is not an actual game. Sure, it's fun and great to play and download levels over the internet."

It's not a game, you just download levels and play them? You have a strange definition of game.

Going to have to agree, your logic doesn't make sense. In Super Mario Maker you make levels, play levels, challenge other people's levels, and have an infinite amount of game and great levels to play or create from three of the best games ever made (Super Mario 1, 3, and World - and New SMB is no slouch either), and yet you don't qualify it as a game or Rocket League? I agree, your definition of a "game" is severely lacking.

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@missashley said:

A friend of mine recently got a surprise Wii U (Smash/Splatoon bundle) for Christmas from his mom. Once he gets some extra scratch together, I hope he'll be my one person. I've been dying to get some feedback on my levels from friends, but they are few and scattered about, and only this one person has a Wii U.

Join the Facebook Super Mario Maker groups (there are quite a few of them) and the Reddit /r/mariomaker group. There are plenty of people to play your levels out there, also you can send me your codes/bookmarks. The community for this game is fantastic, and though we may not reach Jeff/Dan levels of popularity of people playing our levels, but just having a few here and there is amazing.

I totally agree with Jeff's assessment, you only need ONEperson to play it with you, and you'll have a blast.

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If you liked the assassination missions in this, go back and play the ones in unity. They've largely fixed the small trifling issues the press wouldn't shut up about and it had the best assassinations since brotherhood. And they were better than the ones in syndicate, even if syndicate is he superior game.

I agree with this, Unity is legit good after the fixes. I had a blast playing it.

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I love this and I loved Unity. I know, I'm crazy.

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I don't know how they continually keep screwing this franchise up when Hot Pursuit and Most Wanted were amazing.

They've had some of the best games, I even loved SHIFT and SHIFT2, but c'mon, how do you get the driving/handling screwed up?

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@mrsmiley said:
@chaoticarsonist said:

Very disappointed to hear that they dropped the ball on characterizing Blue Team. That was the ONE thing that made me consider getting this game. Ever since I read my first Halo novel over a decade ago, I've wanted to see the other Spartan-IIs (who are all, quite frankly, more interesting than Master Chief) brought to life in the games.

Disappointment after disappoint, 343.

Keep in mind that Jeff (like most people) doesn't have a clue about any of the lore outside of the games. For instance, I have many friends that hated Halo 4's story because they had no idea what was going on. Having read the forerunner books, I knew exactly what was going on, and it was amazing - probably my favorite halo campaign to date! If you read the books, and have an understanding of characters outside of the game, I have a feeling you'll probably enjoy their side a lot more.

I would disagree in that I shouldn't have to read the books to know what's going on. The books should supplement the story of the game, not be a necessity.

That would be like Marvel making the Avengers movies and not showing who those characters were/are in the films and leaving the viewers to rely solely on the comics. It would have left non-comic readers confused and they wouldn't have made the billions of dollars that they have made.

They have to consider their audience and where the majority of said audience is coming from, in this case more people will play the game over read the books.