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FWIW it's not hard to imagine a future where a new Fallout coincides with a new season of the Amazon Prime show, whether it's a second/third/fourth season or whatever, but I feel like the reality is that trying to get a modern videogame release to coincide with a television show logistically is harder to pull off than getting planets to align, lmao. They couldn't do it with Halo and they couldn't do it with The Last of Us.
It's not impossible - Cyberpunk definitely managed to launder its image successfully with Edgerunners and Phantom Liberty - but corralling modern videogame development and modern television production in concert just sounds like a behemoth task squared

It is a bit funny that people are taking Xbox to task for not having something ready, when all their historically Fallout-adjacent studios are all busy working on their own individual unique IP, something which people kept accusing Microsoft of recycling the same old franchises. They're damned if they do and damned if they don't.

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Edited By bludgeonParagon

Thank god no-one brought up the whole mayonnaise being just eggs and oil factoid again because that oil and water discussion could have gone on for another hundred years

And yeah Dan's ridiculous shit isn't even in the same league as Mike. We're talking very obvious phobias coming from what is probably a sensory ick, compared to a whole bunch of prejudices mostly coming from complete ignorance. C'mon lmao

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I hope Jeff continues to get under Shawn's skin by attempting to predict a trailer is for Pragmata every single time something vague and generic sci-fi comes up

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Hell yeah Dylan!

Dan SUCKS. With a bullet.

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Holy shit these title swaps are doing my head in lmao.

Incredible list

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This is very corny to say but I think if it had shown up later in the year it would show up on a few more GOTY lists than it did. Still, glad people remember it!

Hi Fi Rush gang gang

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Cheers on the follow-up, everyone!

I can't say I don't feel at least a tiny bit vindicated that it won the category I listed at the top of my bets and missed out on every other one, lol

I'm glad it at least got its dues (and an actual speech by Johanas and Kobori, which feeds into the greater conversation about Keighley's problematic format).

I don't know why I had my hopes up during the first voting wave for Player's Voice though. I think someone on social media posted a snapshot of the rankings on Day 1 from the website API and I deluded myself briefly in thinking it might actually have stood a chance.

Armored Core VI was the second FromSoft game I've ever actually rolled credits on in my life (the first was Armored Core V, lmao. I just don't have much patience for their Souls-likes!)

So I'd never begrudge it taking the Best Action category, but I'm personally pretty deep in the mech/mecha genre for almost all my gaming years way back to the days of MechCommander and Virtual On. Because of that ACVI was a little more mundane to my eyes despite being a very welcome revival of an extremely dormant franchise. But again, all of those categories were indeniably competitive! Still well deserved.

@manburger: if nothing else, I truly hope that games like these winning show that the AAA space has room for more art styles that aren't just chasing a Most Graphics award.

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I feel 'cheese' implies some level of unintended design consequence that I think doesn't apply here 100%. The game's tutorials explicitly remind the player that enemy attacks land on the beat, so the cadence of combat should always be predictable, and encourages the use of launchers and moves that take you into the air.
These fundamentals aren't really challenged until the back half when they start introducing more enemies that can knock you out of the air (which, yeah, is honestly pretty rude) or demand lots of specific, off-beat parry patterns.

Interestingly I haven't had a lot of problems with the platforming. You have the air dash that lets you adjust your jumps and I have played a lot of 3D platformers so that's more in my skillset. Different strokes for different folks. Regardless I do think it's a bit up in the air if the game is a character action game with platforming elements or an action platformer with character action arenas. Not that it really matters. The environments look great, though, and there's plenty of funny gags to discover if you explore off the beaten path.

It's just the tiniest, smallest issue I had with judging distance and I think for most people it would be almost imperceptible. But yeah, Tango's world-building has always been immaculate and I'd gladly take another 12 hours of exploring a similar space.

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Dubs are an absolutely essential part of anime for a variety of creative and accessibility reasons and I would never look down on anyone who prefers them, but the fact that it is an ADR performance written for a language that the animation on-screen was not originally animated for, will always be at the back of my lizard brain whenever I watch dubbed anime.

Cowboy Bebop's dub is one of the greatest examples of dubbed anime done well, along with a bunch of other highlights in that era like Stand Alone Complex, but to me it feels really obvious when a translator (bless their souls, some of the most creative writers in the business) has to contort the English language to fit the cadence of Japanese-language mouth movement. You get run-on sentences and pauses and what-have-you that just don't feel quite as natural because they're trying to match the meaning and intent of a performance with the strictest of timing. It's not something I always immediately thought about back in the day, and it's not really a problem most of the time, but it is there.

Truth be told, I envy the people who can comfortably ignore that kind of thing, and it's still leaps and bounds better than the ADR of Asian television and cinema I put up with in my childhood a decade prior to that. (But I still did watch most of those beloved shows in their original Japanese language so I guess I'll always have a bias)

Apropros of nothing, the Netflix adaptation of Cowboy Bebop did bring in the original seiyuu to dub their characters for the Japanese dub (and they did an incredible job with it), lol

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Game Pass has been enabling these kinds of games for a very long time - smaller budgets, less popular genres, etc. and it's nice to see more people finally recognizing that value now

The "we should get more things shadow dropping more often" discourse is weird though, it's an effective marketing tool but it is a marketing tool that is also a huge gamble for publishers and is not going to always work for these kinds of games