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The default controls are pretty ridiculous (to the point where you can't do things like aim and shoot with a hostage), but the movement and aiming feel good. In fact, running and gunning through the entire base was trivial with mouse aim. If I can configure the rest of the controls to my liking, I'll probably play through all of MGSV with a mouse and keyboard.

??? Are you talking about carrying a prisoner or having a human meatshield? Because all you do is hold down RMB to grab a soldier, then let go, and then you can hold RMB again to aim. With a prisoner, it's just the same controls as if you don't have one, only if you click LMB you can throw them or if you hold down R you'll set them down.

@ezekiel said:
@octaslash said:

In fact, running and gunning through the entire base was trivial with mouse aim.

Yeah, combined with the bad AI and rapidly replenishing health, running and gunning was pretty easy. Which, in my opinion, makes it a mediocre stealth game.

"These things that don't factor into stealth makes this game a mediocre stealth game."

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A friend's laptop with a nvidia 650M and a 3rd gen i7 with a 2.3ghz processing speed can run the game on high settings (model quality, textures, texture filtering, lighting, effects) at a constant 60 FPS.

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#3  Edited By BeardyDuck

Pretty sure PHIL SPENCER released a post on why SF5 isn't coming to XBOne, and he said he doesn't want it competing with Killer Instinct.

edit: Also here's a list of things I noticed from both the exhibition match and the gameplay trailer.

1. Guard Crush and Stun use the same counter. If you watch the footage of the match you see that whenever anyone blocks or takes damage their life bar turns a darker shade of red, but slowly returns to bright green over time. It doesn't seem to have an exact point, but more of an indicator.

2. Normals do slight chip damage, specials do more. It doesn't seem that you can kill by chip? It seems like normals do "white health" chip, which is recoverable over time.

3. Two bars: EX and Revenge. Ryu has less EX than Chun. He can activate his stance change faster but it definitely doesn't last as long as hers. Probably the penalty for having a smaller EX bar.

4. Stance Change (I've heard it called V-Trigger) seems to make all your moves special, and it seems to make Ryu's moves have greater hit stun. This seems to have replaced super combos.

5. Stage transitions exist, and it only seems to extend the stage. Unclear if this happens evenly, as we never saw the right side. This could make corner combat less prominent if stages can be triple wide.

6. Cinematic KOs!

7. Revenge can be combo'd into, so even though they may be ultras they function fundamentally different. At one point, Ryu cancels his low forward into Shinku Hadouken (not DENJIN)

8. My theory is that if you use your Revenge move while in your V-Trigger, you get the enhanced version (such as Denjin instead of Shinku)

9. Regular EX moves still exist, and take one bar. However, they seem more like super moves. Ryu's EX Shoryu is now the Shin Shoryu, which is exciting. Looks like a bigger difference between regular and EX.

10. Animations are very realistic. Characters reel and move based on where they were hit.

11. Hit stun seemed bigger all around, but combos didn't seem longer (may just have been the way players play)

12. If stage transitions aren't even (as in, left side opens up but right doesn't) then maybe the game randomly decides where you begin, so you don't fight over who gets P1 or P2 based on the stage. This explains why there is a Player marker over each character, if your start location is different every round. EDIT: I watched it again. In the first round, Ryu and Chun change sides (so that Chun is on the left) after the stage transition. Then, after round two, Chun is now on the right again, based on where she was KOed. This is a more likely usage for the P1 and P2 markers.

13. Revenge seems to have 2 levels. It's possible Shinku only takes one Revenge bar and Denjin takes two, or just that it gets stronger if you have it at full. When Ryu uses the Shinku he isn't at full meter, but he loses all of it. Revenge doesn't last between rounds, as before.

14. Games seem very fast, as a result of normals doing chip damage and every move seeming to have very high damage and combo potential.

15. In the trailer we see something that looks like a parry, but could just be a push block.

16. We can see in the trailer Ryu cancels his Shoryuken into his V-Trigger, which makes it more clear how you are expected to safely enter that mode. It also makes it more clear how it works without losing it before getting a chance to use it (see how fast Mike Ross lost his V-Trigger? May be dependent on how much you get hit.)

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#4  Edited By BeardyDuck

Plenty of South Korean TV shows uses video game music, an example would be Metal Gear Solid music in Running Man.

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#5  Edited By BeardyDuck

Cryostasis was on Steam back in 2009 (a whole 2 years after it was originally released) and was subsequently removed because the publisher for the Steam release lost the IP and they weren't able to sell it anymore. You can probably find traders with gift copies, but otherwise you're probably going to have to buy a retail version which isn't really all that expensive.

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@casty said:

Just a quick update. I am so close to have it working, I have been able to connect to a remote server hosted on Amazon and mess around in the game. Unfortunately I'm having issues with the ship server, it's extremely buggy and only accepts my connection about 1 in 10 times. No promises that I will be able to figure it out either. :/ If anyone has set up a server before (tethealla) let me know.

PSO is heavily reliant on port forwarding, so check some PSO private server forums (SCHTHACK, Ultima) and see what ports you have to have open.

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So when are the archives for the 4 stream days going to be released?

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#8  Edited By BeardyDuck

Let's all get mad at the fact that non-gaming news sites claims "gaming is dead".

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@spraynardtatum said:

Where is the evidence that this has anything to do with Gamergate?

As we discussed in a private message, besides the circumstantial evidence of harassment increasing sharply for women in video games alongside the rise of GamerGate, Wu was immediately targeted for harassment following the disclosure (doxxing) of her personal information in a thread on 8chan, a video game board created when 4chan decided GamerGate wasn't welcome anymore. Please stop parroting the idea that this came out of nowhere. Is it possible one, lone crazy person decided to use this information in a really horrendous way? Yes. But this information wouldn't exist without a board explicitly focused on GamerGate and targeting its critics. The correlation and causation are forcibly intertwined.

Let's get the facts straight. 8chan wasn't created solely for GamerGate. After Moot banned all GG discussion on 4chan, 8chan was just a convenient location to discuss it all because the rules were less restrictive.

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@beardyduck: is the extent of your argument trying to call out logical fallacies badly and the no true Scotsman fallacy? Yes. Yes it is.

The fact that you believe nobody can just use the GG hashtag to push forward their individual agenda is enough for me to not give any more time to you.